* °Kibujitsi Muzan -²° *

Start from the beginning

However, Akaza soon walked back in, with Youta squirming in his arms. He dropped the young boy down Infront of Muzan, then backed away towards the bedroom again.

The red eyed male crouched infront of the crying four year old, a small smile pulled at his lips, "Youta, was it?"

Y/n's youngest brother nodded solemnly, then spotted the girl from the corner of his teary eyes, "Y/n!", He tried to reach out for her but Muzan pulled him back, keeping a tight grip on his arms.

"You'll be able to talk to your sister later, don't worry", The raven haired man continued to smile despite his sharp nails digging into the boys flesh, "For now, I want you to just look at her. Face y/n, and only look at her"

Muzan positioned the small boys form to be infront of his own, with the child's back facing him. Youta stared unblinking at his older sister, looking for any comfort she could bring as the scary man stayed silent behind him.

However, all the young boy got in return was y/n's eyes grow in shock and horror, as the noise of squelching and ripping sounded behind him. Yet he didn't look back, he didn't want to get in trouble with the older man. So, he continued facing his sister and clenched tightly to the shirt of his pijamas.

Y/n couldn't fathom the grotesque scene she was watching, how was that physically possible? Muzan's arm had reached high in the air, ripping the sleeve of his gown. The flesh of his arm started to squirm and bulge as if snakes or bugs were crawling under the skin. It bubbled and moved like a virus untill it burst open.

A splatter was heard and y/n quickly clenched her eyes shut, the sound of droplets hitting the floor. But with enough confidence, the girl pried her orbs back open, and saw something frighteningly unhuman.

Muzan's arm hadn't exploded, but instead a series of large toothed mouths now gaped out of his swollen limb. Y/n could barely think before she reacted, somehow ripping an arm away from Kokushibo's hold and removing his other hand from her mouth. Though it felt like he had let her, the girl didn't bother to question it.

She opened her mouth to yell at Youta, beg him run back to his siblings and find a way out together. But before anything could be said, the bloated and beastly limb tore through the boy's body.

A mist of blood splashed the surrounding room, staining the walls and ruining the rugs. The young child wasn't given a moment to scream, or to feel any pain. All he could see in his last moments was the image of his sister looking back at him in fear, before a veil of red flooded his vision.

The room was quite after the first kill, and y/n hung loosely in Kokushibo's arms, gaping at the form of what was once her little brother. It was but a pile of sticky flesh now, steaming hot and spilling blood from its open wounds.

"AGHHH! NO- YOUTA, PLEASE!", Y/n didn't know what she was begging for, or perhaps it was plea towards some higher being that would grant them a break from this man's tyranny.

As his lover wailed, Muzan shook the remaining blood from his arm, licking his lips as it splattered across his face, "I think you know what's going to happen now y/n. But not to worry, we'll take it slow"

Y/n choked in deep breaths and felt the edges of her vision going dark. The room felt like it was spinning, making her guts churn. However, Kokushibo pulled her back up straight, placing the girls rocking head tightly against his chest as he tried to delicacy wipe the drips of blood from her cheeks.

But the hysteric girl didn't notice, far too preoccupied as she saw Akaza walk back into the room. Yamato's small wrists were turning purple under the man's grip, as the boy tried fruitlessly to kick at his legs.

* °𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜° *Where stories live. Discover now