* °Tenya Iida° *

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"Tenya would never lie to you"

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"Tenya would never lie to you"

★Misuse of power


It first started as small reprimands, telling her to tie her laces or smoothen her uniform.

Then it progressed. If y/n spoke too loudly he would silence her with a stern word and glare, if she laughed too much it would be a small but harsh tap on the wrist. Soon even that turned into him pulling the girl away from whatever company she was enjoying, reminding her to keep it down and behave while pinching her arm.

Pinching and taps turned into light smacks and steely grips on her jaw, as the boy told her again that she was acting like an animal. That her laughter was outrageous. That her shoes were untied and scruffy. That her skirt was too short. The buttons of her uniform were unbuttoned too low. Her makeup was too much today. She shouldn't hang around so many guys. People thought she was a slut. They all talked behind her back.  He was only helping. He tried to smarten her up. She should listen to him. Appreciate his concern. Don't talk to anyone else.

Soon enough y/n stopped talking and laughing so much, her uniform was ironed each day and was worn like it was supposed to.

At least Tenya was happy now, she thought. He didn't tell her off anymore, only if she broke the rules. The boy was the only one she could talk too without feeling ill, and whenever she was around him now, he would compliment her endlessly instead.

He liked the way she dressed herself with care, light makeup that showed off her true beauty, talking in a gentle voice, only laughing at his jokes.

That was one of the only things he let her keep; her laughter. He seemed to enjoy it, for some reason asking y/n to do it more now. Though, she rarely used it anymore, the boy wasn't fun.

But she appreciated his company though, only now because y/n realised why he would lecture her everyday, it was only to protect the girl from the real bullies.

Y/n's so called friends had betrayed her, they were the ones that made her do the things she did; to embarrass herself. They wanted to humiliate her, Tenya would say, because they were jealous or something.

Sometimes they would approach her, asking what happend and why she avoided them. Instead of answering y/n would go to Tenya and tell him of what they did and how they tried to indoctrinate her again. He was so good at comforting her though and reassured the girl that he wouldn't let them even try.

However, there was one time when she tried to hear her old friends out and y/n told them what they did and how she knew about everything, yet they tried to explain that none of that happened. Before their lie could continue, the girl ran away in disbelief, but couldn't stop thinking about it. And when y/n tried to talk to Tenya about what they said and how she might try to sort it out with them, he blew up. The boy was furiously disappointed and went on a tangent of lectures, questioning how stupid the girl had been. Did she not believe him? Did she think he was the one lying?

It made the girl drown in discouragement and distain. How could she do that to him? After everything he did, she almost broke his trust. The boy had tried so hard to protect y/n from those people, and she was about to wash it all away.

Overcame with guilt, the young girl apologised immensely, and was forgiven after she basically crawled on the floor and begged at his feet.

And now y/n was away from them, because of the blue haired boy. He was so kind now because of it, reminding her how better off she was.

But now it was so quiet, all they did was do homework and talk, mostly about homework. However, there were times, when Tenya would drag y/n back to his dorm, that were enjoyable.

He acted so different and less uptight, even joking loudly with the girl, (though they weren't funny jokes). She liked spending time with him alone because of it, and the bluenette noticed. Tenya had started asking the girl if she would stay over at his during the evenings, later and later untill he convinced her to spend the night. Every night.

Y/n was scared to leave him, because he had done so much. Not only did he save her from further humiliation, but he would do little things like buying her lunch, encouraging the girl with her homework, brush her hair and iron her uniform in the morning.

So it wasn't strange when he would hold her at night, secretly caressing her hair or placing his hand in the girls pocket with his arm around her waist as they walked to class.

They basically became a couple without either one saying it.

What was strange however, was when y/n caught Tenya talking to the girls old friends, like nothing ever happened. He spoke as if they didn't do all of that to her, like they didn't betray and humiliate the girl.

Yes, she understood the boy also used to be friends with them, but why was he still? They could do the same thing to him if he wasn't careful. But the girl doubted they could get far, he was way too clever, and could smell their shit talking from a mile away.

Maybe, y/n thought, he was doing it to gather Intel. That Tenya would only talk to them as if he was their friend so that they didn't suspect him of being a hero in disguise. So whenever they would plan to attack the girl again, he would be there to swoop in and save her.

Despite these thoughts, the girl would've complained to him but was too insecure that he would drop her. The girl was terrified of creating another fight with the boy, seeing as last time he wouldn't forgive her untill she begged like a dog, even then he acted coldly towards y/n for an entire week.

So she would endure it, and treasure their time together. Because no matter what, Tenya would never leave her.


* °𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜° *Where stories live. Discover now