*°Rengoku Shinjuro°*

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"When your father does his best to protect you"

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"When your father does his best to protect you"

★Irrational thinking
★Verbal/Physical Assault


Tanjiro stood outside of the Rengoku estate, intent on entering and speaking with Kyojuro's closest family. He needed to deliver the messages the fallen Hashira had given to him, in respect to both his memory and the soldiers grieving family.

Not only did they have to suffer with the passing of their eldest son, but the Rengoku family's only daughter had also gone missing, only a few days after Kyojuro's death was announced.

Apparently it happened in her own lodging, there was no sign of breaking in only some slight evidence that there had been a scuffle. The people at the corps liked to think it was the same demon that killed the eldest Rengoku, and came after her with only malicious intent, making a purpose to go after the entire family.

How heartbreaking it must be to loose two of your children in just less than a week. Tanjiro felt for the siblings father, knowing he must be thinking only the worst regarding his missing daughter.

She had been a soldier in training like himself, but lower rank. There was rumor she ran away and betrayed her father's orders, to goin the corps, however most like to think it was so she could become her brother's tsuguko.


Well, speaking with Rengoku's father didn't go exactly as Tanjiro planned; being beat up and scolded by the ex Hashira was almost as terrifying as facing a demon head on.

It was only when the youngest member of the Rengoku family helped patch him up, did Tanjiro actually get to say his piece.

They sat in the private confines of the youngest boy's room, drinking tea and talking idly of Senjuro's older brother, sharing happy moments and words of appreciation.

Both were grateful of the comfort the other brought, and Tanjiro was glad he had a moment to confide in someone so close to the male.

"Your brother was the finest swordsman I had ever met! He wielded his blade with true bravery and compassion, if it wasn't for him, no one on that train would've survived!", The dark haired boy sung only praises about the Flame Hashira, hoping he could bring comfort to the younger boy by preaching his accomplishments.

"I had wished to train under him, to become as talented as he was. But instead I shall carry his spirit throughout the rest of my journey; to save humanity like he dreamed of!", Tanjiro hoped to make the young Rengoku proud, by continuing his brothers vision of creating a non-demon world and destroying all evil.

* °𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜° *Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora