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That evening the boys insisted we went to a Ravenclaw party with them, so after dinner the four of us sat on the floor of the dorm getting ready. Halfway through the boys walked in in matching kakis but incredibly different shirts. Sirius wore a black queen tee shirt, James wore one of his quidditch jumpers, Moony had on a white button down that Sirius kept trying to unbutton the top two buttons on, and Pete wore a  red and yellow sweater. I stared at them as they stood in front of me he door.

"Snazzy, boys." I commented as I turned back to trying to tame my hair.

"You look like you got electrocuted." James replied. I turned to face him.

"Mine was sincere."

"So was mine. Fix your hair." I rolled my eyes but continued trying to tame it.

"I like her curls." Moony said as he plopped on my bed, fixing his buttons Sirius had just undone.

"Me too." Peter chimed in, I smiled.

"See asshole, some people like our curls." I shot at him. He rolled his eyes. Marlene passed me a scrunchy as she saw me pull up the top layer of my hair. I thanked her and tied up half my hair. The bottom laid nicely as I pulled my hair to tighten the elastic.

"Is this cute?" Lily asked walking back in the room. We all turned to face her. She wore wide legged jeans with chunky heels and a light green tank top. There were little flowers embroidered on her jeans. I smiled and nodded.

"Very cute."

"Love it." Marlene added. I looked over at the boys. James' jaw was on the floor as he stared at her. Lily followed my gaze.

"What do you think, boys?" She joked twirling to show off her outfit.

"Beautiful as ever Lily flower." Sirius complimented, Remus nodded along.

"Gorgeous, I mean, stunning, I mean- yeah it looks nice." James stumbled over himself. I stifled a laugh.

"Thank you James." She replied with a giggle. The electricity in the air between them was intense. I still wasn't sure how I felt about my brother dating my best friend, but I knew I loved them both enough to put my own feelings aside and let them be happy if that's what they chose to do. Sirius shot me a look with a smile.

"What're you wearing V? You're not dressed yet." I shrugged. Lily went to her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black and white checkered pants similar to hers. She handed them to me. I shot a look to the boys and they all closed their eyes while I changed.

"You have to wear this top!" Marlene called out as she rummaged through my wardrobe. She pulled out a deep red silk tank top and threw it at me. I shrugged and pulled it on, I turned to the girls first.

"You make me question my sexuality." Lily joked, I laughed.

"Wrong Potter, flower." I replied. Cas and Marlene have their stamp of approval and I turned back to the boys.

"Open." I ordered, they all opened their eyes and stared at me.

"It's a bit-" James started but was cut off by Moony's elbow meeting his ribs.

"It's beautiful, Nova. You're beautiful." He said, I felt myself turn as red as my shirt. I looked down so they couldn't see. I felt all eyes still on me.

"Okay Casanova, calm down." Marls called from the other side of the room. I laughed and walked to my wardrobe to grab my boots. I slid them on and sat on the bed with the boys to quiet their bickering over what Remus said.

"I'm just saying she's my sister don't be weird." James whispered as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled at me in a I-hope-you-did-hear-that sort of way, I just raised my eyebrows.

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