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"Hey, Potter! Wait up!" A voice called from behind me, I was walking alone since I'd lost James and Sirius straight away out of Potions. They'd mumbled something about having to find Pete to see if he worked up the nerve to talk to Molly yet. I turned and looked for anyone I knew that would be calling for me. Regulus Black's head bobbed over the crowd as he pushed through. I turned around and kept walking.

"Potter! Potter, I know you heard me!" He yelled. I finally stopped and let him catch up. He offered a quite bitter smile as he approached me.

"What?" I asked. He cocked his head at me.

"Lovely to see you too, my summer was grand thank you so much for asking. I imagine yours was as well, you surely look fit. First year having my brother under your roof, right? How exciting!" He faked his way through his one-sided small talk.

"What do you want Black?" I groaned in annoyance, he handed me a piece of parchment.

"Give that to Mckinnon, won't you? We're paired up in transfigurations."

"She mentioned." I replied.

"Oh did she?" He raised his eyebrows at me in a cheeky way. I rolled my eyes. Everyone knew Marlene was gay, but on the off chance he didn't, I wasn't going to be the one to tell him.

"You're awful." I turned on my heel to walk away.

"Potter!" He called after me, I turned back to face him. "I meant it when I said you look fit."


I laid in Moony's bed while he did his homework at his desk. We'd meant to go to the yard, but it was pouring out.

"So, Regulus called you fit and thought you'd be flattered?" He asked, I shrugged.

"Guess so." He nodded slowly. I grabbed a book from his desk and began reading.

A few chapters later he laid down next to me. He stared at me until I put the book down. He knew something he wasn't supposed to, he had that look in his eye. I raised my eyebrows at him. His eyes flicked down to Sirius' jumper. I shook my head. He rolled his eyes. Moony and I often didn't have to talk to know what the other wanted. We'd adopted the skill pretty early on in our friendship. James was the only person who ever caught on, Siruis called it "twin telepathy" but I called it James being a nosey git. I had a tendency to think if me and Moony weren't such great friends we'd make a fine couple, but we valued each other's friendship far too much to ever ruin it.

"Heard you kissed Pads this summer." I went wide-eyed and sat up immediately. He burst out laughing.

"Does James know?"

"No, I was told in secrecy."

"By Sirius?"

"Who else knows you slag?" He laughed, I did too this time. The thing I liked most about Remus was that we could hurl insults at each other and know we'd never mean it. I told him how I'd told the girls on the train. He told me it was only a matter of time until James found out and killed Sirius.

"Did you sort it out then? You still like him?" He asked, there was an undertone to his voice I couldn't quite place. I shrugged it off.

"Living with the boy will really turn you off to him." I stated, Remus looked around.

"Noted." He mumbled, I rested my head on his chest. "Vix, can I ask you something?"


"More of a favor really." 

"Don't tell me you want to kiss me too, Moony." I joked. He fell silent. I looked up at him from my spot on his chest before turning around and fully straddling him.

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