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Marlene laid on top of me while begging me to sneak to Hogsmead with her as I repeatedly told her no. Lily had finally had enough of us and groaned loudly.

"Merlin! Marlene, why do you want her to go so bad?"

"She's my best mate."

"And?" I prompted. She blushed.

"She has the invisibility cloak." She murmured. I laughed.

"You can take it! Take the map too."

"I don't want to go alone!"

"I don't want to go at all."

"Nova!" Lily barked, my head shot up.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Why don't you want to go? You need to get Christmas shopping done, you have no plans, I mean just go with the poor girl."

"Fine!" I caved, Marlene cheered. "Come with Lil?"

"Of course."

"Can I borrow your wool coat?" I asked, she nodded with a small smile.

"Nova, can I borrow your green trousers?" Marlene called from her dresser. I walked to my own to find them.

"Only if you let me borrow your brown ones." I replied

"Only if you wear them with loafers."

"Nova, can I borrow your boots?"

"Which ones Lily darling?"

"The black ones, you know the ones with the thick bottom, please." We went to work swapping clothes and helping each other with hair and makeup. We dressed Marls in the green trousers with a white turtle neck under a muggle band tee shirt I stole from Sirius. Lily had her embroidered jeans she'd been working on all year with Marlene's quidditch jumper. I had Marlene's brown trousers with a turtle neck and a brown, granddad type of sweater.

Moments like these, dressing each other up in the dorm, doing hair and makeup, girl talk about who likes who, sneaking out, that was what I'd always yearned for. Meeting Lily and Marlene was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I'd spent my life in ratty jeans and too big hoodies even though mum begged me to dress girly for once, I was too busy playing and she loved me enough to let me dress however. When I met Lily and Marlene in first year, Marlene rummaged through my clothes within the first week and asked if I genuinely liked dressing like I did. I told her it was convenient. They dropped the subject. Over the rest of the year, any time we'd go out they'd pick up cute outfits and tell me I should try it on. I always did. I loved them every time.

You see, they didn't just help me find my style. They helped me find my voice, my expression, who I was. Before them I was James' sister, or Effie and Monty's girl, with their help I became Nova. They were so much more than my friends, they were a part of me. I saw Marlene in myself with every hand gesture I made. I saw Lily when I got angry and spouted off. I saw myself in them as well, Marlene's new found ability to laugh at herself and Lily's acceptance that we don't always have to be perfect. Beyond the girl talk we found ourselves in each other and I thought that was beautiful.


"Why do you have detention?" I asked Sirius as we sat in the common room, he shrugged.

"Minnie caught me smoking."

"You're lying."

"Am not!"

"What'd she catch you smoking?" He fell silent and looked away.

"Muggle Herb." Remus replied for him with a grin, I stifled a laugh.

"Was it actually Muggle Herb this time? Or did another Hufflepuff trick you into buying spices?" I quizzed. His cheeks flushed as Moony cackled from behind his book. I laughed as well "Sirius, no!"

"They look the same!" He defended, I shook my head.

"They don't smell the same!"

"Am I just supposed to smell the bag during a drug deal, Nova? Come on!"

"Yes!" Me and Remus chimed together. Remus shook his head.

"This is the third time you've bought spices Pads, you've ought to start doing something!" Remus said. I laughed. Sirius sunk down on the couch while I played with his hair still giggling. He batted my hand away once he remembered he was the butt of the joke. Pete and Marls filed in and shared an armchair. Lily came shortly after while James was nowhere to be found. I looked at Sirius who crinkled his eyebrows back at me.

"Where's Prongs?" He asked, everyone shrugged and looked around to each other.

"Who saw him last?" Marlene asked.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast." I replied, Lily and Marls nodded in agreement.

"He was in the dorm when I left you lot there. Pads?" Remus offered, Sirius shrugged.

"He was there when I left." Sirius turned to Pete.

"He was there when I left, Marls came and got me." Peter replied. We all exchanged glances before getting up and walking to their dorm. Sirius let us in but he wasn't there.

"Yard?" I asked. Moony bit at his lip.

"Okay, here's the plan. Nova, come with me we'll check the yard. Pete and Marls search the halls. Lil, Pads check the great hall and library. He can't be far." We all nodded and set out. I bit at the inside of my cheek while me and Remus walked to the yard. He grabbed my hand in a soothing way. "He's probably fine, Vix."

"I know." I nodded. He knew that wasn't true. He knew I was worried sick. We wandered the yard, checking all of our usual spots but he was no where to be found. When we got close to the castle Marlene and Lily stood looking snide outside the doors. I looked at Moony. "They know something we don't."

"Potter, you're gonna die when you see this. Come on!" Marlene giggled as she grabbed my hand. Lily followed right behind me. Marlene dragged me through the halls, towards the astronomy tower.

"What are we doing? Did you guys find James?" I asked as we climbed the stairs.

"Oh, we found James." Lily replied as we met with Sirius and Peter at the top. I looked between them as Sirius cracked the door. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Sat in the middle of the room, making out with Molly Prewett was my brother. Sirius pulled the door closed and smiled at me mischievously. I shook my head.

"You can't do that to Molly, she's so sweet." I ordered. He begrudgingly nodded. We all filed down the stairs quietly, trying not to laugh loud enough they'd hear us. Once we got to the bottom we all burst out laughing. Sirius leaned on my shoulder and buried his head in the crook of my neck. Marlene grabbed my wrist, I looked up and followed her gaze. Regulus leaned against the wall and stared at his brother. I patted Siri on the head. We all started walking back toward the common room.

"Oh shit, guys. I think I dropped my wand up there. I'll catch up." I said as I patted my robes. Everyone hummed in response and left me to search. I hurried towards the hall. Cold rings wrapped around my arm and pulled me into a hall.

"Fucking Merlin, Regulus!" I whispered angrily as I smacked his chest. He grabbed my wrists.

"Tell me you've never actually shagged my brother." He ordered, I stared up at him.


"My brother. He said you two were a thing, were you?"

"No! Merlin! No! He said it to get under your skin and get you to bugger off." He cracked a smile.

"He knew I wouldn't." He kissed my cheek.

"He wanted to see if you'd fight." He grabbed my chin lightly, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"For you, darling? Always."

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