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"You have two hours. I can hold them for two hours. Anymore than that it gets iffy." Marlene told me as I finished my makeup. I kissed her on the head.

"I know. I love you. You're the best. Gotta go." I said as I darted out the door. I threw the cloak over me and made my way to the Slytherin hall, where Cas stood waiting for me. She shook her head as I removed the cloak.

"Two hours, Potter." She told me as we walked down to their room. I nodded. Regulus stood outside his door dressed in plaid pants and a white button down. He looked me up and down as he fiddled with the flowers in his hand. I smiled, so did he. He kissed my hand as I walked up to him.

"You look amazing." He complimented.

"You're not too bad yourself." I responded, he laced his fingers through mine. "Thanks Cas." She smiled in response as I threw the cloak over us.

"Black!" She called as we started to walk away, he poked his head out. "Two hours. Don't make my girlfriend mad."

"Girlfriend?" I all but yelled from under the cloak, Regulus covered my mouth.

"We'll be back. Promise."


We walked around the shops just browsing and talking. Regulus checked over his shoulder every two seconds to make sure no one was following us or even on to us for that matter. We ducked into alleyways the second we saw people we knew and held in laughter about how ridiculous this was. When we saw the Malfoy clan the only place we could get in fast enough was a jewelry store, I pushed him in as I followed on his heels. He laughed at how quickly I shut the door behind us.

"If you want jewelry love all you have to do is ask." He joked, I pushed his shoulder but smiled anyways.

"I'm saving your ass here." I replied. He licked the smile off his lips but it still played at the corners. I shook my head and started to walk through the store. I stopped at a little malachite ring, it sparkled even though the stone was dull. It was beautiful. The band itself was gold around the edges holding in the gorgeous green stone that had been shaped to go all the way around. It had gold detailing like something off a fancy dinner plate my parents set out for Christmas dinner. There were little stars made of gold all the way around, and in the center of each a small piece of ruby sat twinkling in the case lighting.

"Do you want it?" Regulus asked as he appeared behind me, I turned to look at him.

"I don't need it." I responded.

"That's not what I asked. Do you want it?"

"Well, I mean," He cut me off by looking at the worker.

"How much for that one, the green one?" He asked as he pointed. The girl behind the counter smiled and told him, she pulled the ring out and handed it to him. He slid it on my finger. It fit perfectly. He pulled out some money and slid to it her, then turned back to me.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him, he looked at me confused.

"I wanted to Nova. That's what boyfriends do. Not to mention I'm really hoping it's going to makeup for how shitty of a first real date this is." He said, I smiled.

"It definitely does." I told him. He cracked a smile.

"Good. Let's go to Honeydukes so I can buy you those sweets you like. Then we should head back before Mckinnon kills us both with the help of Meadows." I laughed and linked my hand with his as he lead us out of the store.


"Tell us everything!" Lily badgered as I sat my purse down on my bed and I leaned down to unlace my shoes.

"Maybe not everything, Black kinda is like a brother to me." Cas replied, Marlene nudged her.

"Don't sit in for girl talk if you can't take it." She reminded Cas.

"I can take it, I just prefer if we kept the raunchy details to a minimum."

"There's no raunchy details," I cut them off, all their heads shot up while I climbed into Lily's bed with her. "It was a perfectly nice date. He was very sweet and a perfect gentleman." Cas snorted.

"Regulus Black and gentleman do not belong in the same sentence." Marlene elbowed her again. I laughed. I caught Lily staring at my hand.

"She got a ring." She blurted. I covered my own hand.

"Tattletale." I hissed at her. She smiled.

"Alright, let's see it." Marlene ordered setting out her hand as she leaned off the edge of her own bed. I rolled my eyes but slipped the ring off and handed it to her. She admired it before smiling.

"Quite on the nose don't you think?" Cas asked reading her mind, I looked at her confused.

"I mean green and red? Very Slytherin and Gryffindor coded there Vix." Marlene said as she handed it back, I mindlessly handed the ring to Lily who admired it.

"I didn't even think about that, it was just pretty and I liked it." I replied. Marlene grinned.

"So perfect Regulus Black bought it for you." I laughed as she fake swooned. Cas leaned back against the pillows next to Marls.

"I hear you two have some news too." I informed them, Marls looked at Cas then me.

"Whatd'ya talking about?" She asked as she pressed her tongue to her teeth. I smiled.

"I, uh, might have let it slip to Potter." Cas admitted, Marlene rolled her eyes.

"One secret, Dorcas! I asked you to keep one thing secret!" She said dramatically, Cas wrapped her arms around Marl's waist.

"I know, how will you ever forgive me." She fake pouted. Lily rolled her eyes as she handed me the ring.

"Good thing you're cute," Marlene turned her attention back to us. "Yeah, so we're dating. You guys cool with that?"

"Why wouldn't we be? We love Cas." Lily said, I nodded in agreement.

"Well I know you guys were cool when I came out or whatever but, I dunno, I thought maybe now that it's in practice you might freak." I threw Lily's daisy throw pillow at her as she finished.

"Marlene Elizabeth Mckinnon! You should know us better than that!" I scolded her. She smiled as she hugged the pillow.

"I know."

"It's been us since first year, and it will be us for so much longer than that." Lily told her, I smiled at Lils.

"No matter who we fall for."

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