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I sat with Sirius in the yard the following day while we smoked a cigarette.

"What's on your mind, darling?" He asked, I shrugged. In reality I was two seconds away from a break down over Regulus Black. But he was the last person I could tell that to.

"Just stressed about school." I lied. He nodded.

"You're the smartest girl on our year next to Lil, what's got you stressed?"

"Being paired with Black." He hummed as he blew out a cloud of smoke. I bit the inside of my lip, hoping he wasn't catching on.

"Yeah, Reg is a bit of a prick but he's the smartest person I know. As much as I don't miss the lot of them, I do miss his quick wit and him helping me with spells. Nothing to worry about with him, love. He'll make sure you get perfect marks. He's after prefect after all." He rambled, I nodded and smoked my own cigarette. "Why don't you make him meet up to study with you? If you're so worried about it, I mean. I'll help you lie to James."

"I'm meeting him later to study." I lied again. It felt wrong lying to Sirius. He truly was my best mate, he was like my brother. There wasn't a single day I'd been without him in the last year. He always had my back when James tried to exclude me. I think part of it was him missing having a sibling around. Regardless, I was grateful he was looking out for me.

"Oh, right." He seemed a bit hurt I hadn't told him. "Where then? I'll keep James away!"

"Uh, astronomy tower. Figured it was the one place James wouldn't look for me once he noticed my absence."

"James always notices your absence. You didn't know that?"

"Er, not really. He never wants me around it seems."

"When you're not there he has no one to rattle off of. Your guys' twin brains are insane. Don't even speak to make a joke." I smiled. It was true, we knew what the other was thinking just from a glance.

"He'd prefer to just be with his mates."

"You're his mate, Vix."


When I got to the astronomy tower Regulus was, once again, sat in the middle of the floor.

"Merlin. Can't even let me be the first one here when I call the meeting?" I griped as I sat down next to him. He cracked a slight smile.

"It's a habit." He turned to look at me. "What'd you need, Potter."

"I'm sorry for running out the other day. And, well for telling you you were a bad kisser, even though you weren't." He looked at me amused. I smiled awkwardly.

"I told you, you don't hurt my feelings." I rolled my eyes.

"I know that."

"So what'd you need Potter?"

"That's it."

"Right," He leaned closer to me, a smirk playing on his lips. "So if I did it again you'd, what? Push me off and run?"

"No." I felt myself starting to blush. He smirked and leaned in closer.

"You know I don't fancy you right?"


"But you are a good kisser." and with that he pressed his lips to mine. This time, there was no roughness behind it. It was perfectly gentle. I kissed him back as his hand found my hip again. I let my hands get tangled in his hair while he pulled me closer. He pulled back after a minute and stared at me. His hand never left my waist.

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