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I climbed the stairs to the astronomy tower at four. Part of me thought this was a joke. I wasn't going to come, Marlene convinced me. She said Regulus pleaded with her in private to give me the note. Once she decided for herself it wasn't a cruel joke she complied. She might not like him, but she couldn't get over how "pretty" he was. Once I reached the top of the steps I took a deep breath, felt for my wand in my pocket, and opened the door to enter. He sat in the middle of the room, on the floor. I watched him for a second before I cleared my throat. He turned to face me, before standing up. I closed the door behind me.

"Your brother's not waiting on the other side to kill me, is he?" He asked. It was only partially a joke. I shook my head.

"He has no idea I'm here." I replied he nodded. He took a step toward me before hesitating and stepping back. I laughed lightly.

"Scared of me Black?" I asked, he chuckled lowly.

"Terrified actually." He retorted. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He stared down at me for a while before clearing his throat and turning around. "Look, I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I realized I didn't do that in the library."

"You begged Marlene to give me your note to make sure I was okay?" I asked slowly, his back was still facing me. "And you had to do this in private?"

"Didn't think your dogs would be too fond of me talking to you in the Great Hall."

"I don't think yours would either. I see the was Rosier glares at you when you so much as glance in my direction." He chuckled. He waved his finger at me for a second before he just smiled. It was a real, genuine smile. The first I'd ever seen him give.

"That's because Rosier fancies you."

"Right, well. I'm fine. No need to check up on me, Black." I said, he turned to face me.

"You really are dense, aren't you?"

"No, I'm just not going to fuck you in the astronomy tower."

"Where then?" He closed the gap between us, I gasped softly. I tried to collect myself as quickly as possibly. I could not let Regulus Black know he'd gotten under my skin.

"Nowhere." I turned to walk out. He laughed.

"I'm quite persuasive, Potter." He called after me as I climbed down the stairs. Marlene was waiting for me at the bottom. She locked her arm with mine as we headed for lunch.

"Regulus Black wants to fuck me." Was all I managed to say, she let out a cackle.


Marlene had gone out with Peter, Lily was studying with Severus, and James and Sirius were being tutored by Remus. I officially had no one to hang out with. I parked myself in the library hoping at the very least I could get some work done. I wasn't more than twenty minutes in when someone pulled the chair out across from me. Gideon sat down with a bashful look. I smiled softly at him.

"Sorry for running out on you the other day." I shrugged.

"I get it." I replied. He stared at me for a second with his tongue between his teeth.

"It was a dick move."

"Didn't say it wasn't."

"I like you Potter. I do. But Merlin am I terrified of your brother. After what he did to Brown? I mean how could I not be!" He tried to explain himself, I laughed lightly.

"That wasn't my brother." I replied.

"Whoever it was is protective of you in the most terrifying way."

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