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A week later I was back in the boys dorm planning another prank. They all stared at my note on the wall while I sat on James' bed.

"You think we could pull it off?" Peter asked. James tilted his head with a smirk.

"We'll find a way." He replied.

"How many detentions you think that's worth?" Sirius asked, I leaned forward.

"Timed correctly, none at all until next term." I replied. Remus looked at me with a smile.

"You really think you can get them to help?" Remus asked. I nodded.

"You guys gotta get real cool about a lot of shit really quickly." I said looking only at James.

"If they can help us pull this off, they'll be in my good graces forever." I smiled.

"So it's settled then?" Sirius asked, I nodded along with the other boys.

"Nova, go make sure they'll help us." James told me. I hopped up and ran out of the room. I entered my dorm to see Marlene, Dorcas and Lily sitting on their beds.

"Hey, I need your help with something. Cas you too." I explained the plan to them and when I finished I looked at Dorcas. "You think you can help me get those three in?" She smiled at me.

"Let's go get them right now." She jumped up and grabbed my hand. She pulled me through the corridors at a rapid speed. I laughed behind her the whole way. She pulled me through a door and down a staircase before reciting their password.

"The Potter Gryffindor is entering?" A deep voice called.

"Oh fuck off she's cool." Dorcas hollered back, I was still looking for the voice when she pulled me into their common room. She pulled me down another dark hallway and knocked.

"What?" I heard Rosier call. She rolled her eyes.

"It's Cas, open up!" She yelled. A few seconds later Rosier appeared in front of us. He wore checkered pajama pants with no shirt.

"Oh, hey." He smiled at me. I grinned back.

"Where's Black and your sister?" Cas asked, he looked behind him. Regulus was laying on his bed with his nose in a book. He hardly looked away when she called his name. I smiled. He wore sweatpants with the Slytherin crest and a hoodie that covered his dark messy hair. Rosier moved out of the way so we could walk in. Regulus finally looked up and stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Great to see you too, Reg. I'm doing great, snuck your little girlfriend into the dungeon, no worries it was a piece of cake." Dorcas rattled off to him sarcastically.

"Dorcas, shut up." He replied. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'll beat your ass Black."

"Bigger issue, why is she here?"

"I need a favor." I replied, Evan sat down on his bed. "But first we need Pandora."

"She's out right now, but I'll fill her in." Rosier replied. I sat down on Regulus' bed next to him.

"Okay, so. We were thinking-"

"Who's we?" Regulus asked. I rolled my eyes.

"You know who we is." I replied.

"I'm out."

"Regulus please just listen." I pleaded, he sighed and motioned for me to carry on. I filled them in.

"So you lot would take all the blame?" Regulus asked when I finished.


"And we'd just help you pull off the most massive prank ever?" Rosier asked. I nodded.

"I already said yes." Cas told them.

"I'm in." Rosier shrugged, I looked to Regulus.

"I can't get caught." He told me.

"And you won't." I replied.

"Merlin you're so lucky you're cute. I'll help." We all cheered as he shook his head.


I laid in Lily's bed while Cas and Marls laid in Marlene's.

"I can't believe you got them to agree." Lily said, I smirked.

"Seriously, Potter. You have to be the best fuck Reg has ever had for him to cave like that for you." Cas joked, I let out a loud laugh. I shrugged with a smug grin.

"I'm starting to think I have him wrapped around my finger." I jokes, Lily dug her elbow in my side with a laugh. Cas shrugged and nodded, never lifting her head off Marls chest.

"You always have, Potter. He's one hundred percent, whole heartedly yours." I blushed as the other two cooed in half disgust and half adornment. I rolled my eyes with a smile. The boys walked in and stared at us, I smiled. So did they.

"No fucking way you did it." Peter said with a smile, I nodded.

"They're in." I replied.

"I do not want to know what you've done to get my brother to agree." Sirius joked as he flopped on the bed. I laughed as Remus sent me a wink. James, Peter and Remus all sat down on my bed.

"So we're doing this? I mean like really doing this?" Pete asked as he leaned back against the wall. There was a hint of fear in his voice. I looked at Remus, he'd never say it but he worried we weren't able to pull this one off. James held his overly cocky grin while he just nodded. Sirius bit at his lip, not because he thought we couldn't do this, there was something else eating at him. My best guess was the fact that we were about to pull a legendary prank, our best yet and maybe ever, but he's going to have to share the glory with his brother. I nodded.

"Oh, we're doing this." I replied as Lily wrapped her arm around me and pulled me into a sideways hug. I leaned my head on her chest while all my fears of what could happen came creeping in. James had a loud mouth and no control over his temper, if he lost it towards the Slytherin's and they backed out we were screwed. We needed their magic. Pandora Rosier was weirdly infatuated with Sirius, but Sirius had eyes for someone else. I didn't want him to potentially ruin his chances with whoever it was in the name of a quick good time.

I looked up to just see the four boys staring back at me. Moony grabbed a folder out of his bag and held it up. It was completely empty, but on the front sat my little sticky note. In my messy half cursive, I smiled at the word.


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