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I ended up in Kit's room again. He welcomed me with open arms happy to have me sleep in his bed again. It's nice being in his arms making me warm and making me feel safe. There were only a few kisses happened that being Kit trying to smother himself in my neck. These boys and sticking their faces against my neck. I'm not surprised when I found two hickeys one on the base of my throat and the other on my collarbone. Kit was clearly pleased with himself when he saw them. I didn't put the dress on because I didn't want to instead I slipped on one of Kit's button up that covered up mostly everything. It stopped mid thigh covering up my private areas which I'm grateful for because no one in this stupid house wants to give me pants or even underwear for that matter. Stupid perverts.

I sit on a kitchen stool eating some eggs I made myself while Kit drinks a cup of coffee beside me. Kit is still pleased with himself not only because of the marks but because now I'm in one of his shirts. The others walk in all dressed ready for the day but when Jay looks at me his eyes stay on my neck before moving to the shirt. "Kit! Did you have sex with him?" Jay asked eyes flaring with anger. Kit doesn't move nor say anything making the problem worse. Jay's eyes go back to me scowling. "We did not have sex!" I say sending a glare to Kit who smiles. He must be loving this, thinking he got to have sex with me first over everyone else. "Saving it for someone else? Can it be me?" Jay asked grinning like a child. I stand up my face on fire as I glare at them. "You are all perverts!" I yelled before stomping off towards the living room.

I bump into Red who was carrying a lot of boxes that went everywhere. "I'm so sorry" I say bending down to stack the boxes again. Red grabs the last box placing it on top of the others but she doesn't pick them up. "It's fine. They are what the boys ordered anyways" She mutters looking away from me. Wait the guys ordered all of this? Oh god I don't even want to know what's in these boxes. Red takes the opportunity to leave walking somewhere else in the house while I'm just staring at the boxes. I pick up the one on top seeing the name Leon but know one here is named Leon so who does this belong to. Setting that box down I grab the next one which belongs to Jay so I set that one down as well to grab the next. Clay's name is here along with Kits but what about Zero and Lee? Both of them had to ordered something I just know. I grab another box seeing another name I don't recognize. "Alex" I mumble confused.

The box gets snatched out of my hand by Zero who sends me a glare. "Our stuff came" Jay says picking up the two boxes that belong to him. Clay grabs his single box with a smirk then hands Kit his. "Who is Alex?" I ask turning to fully face them. Zero walks away the box still in his hands. "How did you get these?" Lee asked. I look at him, "Red was carrying them but she dropped them then walked away" I say truthfully.

"Boys, meeting room. Now" I jump when hearing X yell. The guys all stops what they are doing and walk quickly up the stairs. X walks over to me grabbing my chin and kissing me roughly on the lips. "Enjoy the free time doll. We will be awhile so go wherever but if it's locked don't try to get in. I suggest the game room" X murmured against my lips before he leaves walking up the stairs and disappearing like the others. I pick up the boxes the guys dropped then make my way up the stairs into the game room. I sit on the couch holding the box that had the name Leon on it. Zero took the box with the name Alex on it maybe he knows who that person is. Maybe this person is just out right now and they will come back. I set the box down with the others then stand up and walk over to the pool table grabbing a cue stick then the rack for the balls.

Back at my parents house we had one of these. Me and dad would play all the time when he still liked me. He taught me how to break then how to use the cue stick. He never let me win, I had to try to beat him every time. I begin playing by myself to pass the time. I was pretty good when dad taught me but now I'm rusty because I haven't played in such a long time. I hit the cue ball which hits a solid pushing it into the hole and I smile.

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