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People went missing all the time. It didn't matter if they had family or not. All that matter was the money people earned from selling them. It was best to go after people who didn't have family or someone people wouldn't miss. Someone they can grab without anyone to come looking for them. Missing posters would be put up but no one really cared since they didn't know the person.

People like me...someone who doesn't have family or friends to look after him. I was just like those people and I wasn't surprised they decided to take me or abduct me. No one would miss a low life collage student barely hanging on from paycheck to paycheck from a job that paid crap. It was like every other night when someone was abducted. They came in as quiet as a mouse pressed a rag against my nose and mouth not letting up until the darkness swallowed me whole. I thought it was the end...end of living like I didn't matter to anyone. I was at peace to die right then and there because no one would care. Mom and dad would look at the news...at the pictures they put up of me and they would sit there like they didn't know me. My little sister would ask about me but they would tell her nothing about me. I didn't deserve to live under their roof because I wasn't a man. I wasn't good enough to either of them.

In the end I didn't die, they just put me to sleep only to wake me up when cleaning me to make sure I was spotless and as perfect as I could be. They shaved me until I was smooth and showered me until I smelled like flowers. My black hair was combed then I was cuffed in chains like a criminal then tossed in a cage like an animal. I didn't know where I was being taken to or what the future looked like but I could tell it wasn't going to be good. They didn't dress me so I was cold. My body trembled maybe from the cold or maybe I am scared it might be both. From what I remember it was an auction...I remember people yelling out numbers then holding up signs while a man yelled out and pointed at the others. When it was my turn it was more shouting and yelling but I remember it taking a long time. Bigger prices were thrown out more people glaring at others while tossing out more prices. Then a woman's voice echoed through the room saying a huge price no one could go against. Before I knew it I was sold to the woman with long dyed red hair.

Now I'm here, in the back of a car from what I saw before a blindfold was put over my face. I was still chained the weight beginning to hurt my wrists. I am still trembling from the air conditioning that was on high. I'm still naked only a small piece of clothing covering my private area. It felt like we were driving for hours until we stopped suddenly. I heard a car door open then slam close before I felt mine open and the cold outside air hit my skin. The clothing was removed and a hand grabbed my bicep pulling me out of the car. It was that woman, her nails were digging into my skin as she practically dragged me to wherever we were going. Doors were being opened then closed and my feet hit marble floor but it didn't last long because the woman kicked behind my knees making me fall to the floor. I tried to listen to hear anything but it was so quiet for a moment. Then I heard the sound of footsteps it wasn't heels so it wasn't the woman that took me here. I heard the mumbling of voices that were getting closer then it went silent again.

The blindfold covering my eyes was removed and I look around my eyes wide with fear. A man was standing in front of me while the woman that bought me stands next to him arms on her hips. The man looks me over so I look him over. He was handsome with dark brown hair and brown eyes and having a strong build. "You couldn't find a female?" He growled at the woman. "None you or the boys would like" The woman says back. "In plus he has the features. He could pass as a female" She adds flipping her hair off her shoulder. The man looks at me again before walking closer and lifting my chin. "I guess the boys will like him. Take him to my room" He says dropping my chin and walking away. The woman sighs then walks over grabbing my arm again making me stand up. We begin walking her mainly pulling me rather then letting me walk on my own. We pass many doors until we get to one that the woman opens. She shoves me in making me fall to the ground almost hitting my head on the bed frame. I look around the room but my eyes stay on the window.

"Don't even think about it unless you want to die" The woman says rolling her hazel eyes. I back away into a corner of the room bringing my knees to my chest to cover myself up. I watch as the woman takes out a key then walks over to me unlocking the cuffs around my wrist. "Trust me it's better to be alive with men who will want you then dead" She mumbles before standing up and walking out of the room making sure the door is shut and locked. I look around the room quickly standing up going towards the closet to put clothes on. The only thing that fits is the shirt I found but it's better than being naked. Then I walk to the window looking out hoping to see a way out but I'm on the second story. If I try I would have to jump down to get on the ground but I would probably break a leg or twist my ankle trying to do so.

The door opens then closes making me jump and back away from the window. The man that I saw early tugs off his tie tossing it to the floor before looking at me. "Who covered you up?" He asked walking towards me. I take the steps back but I bump into a night stand so he gets to me. He strokes my cheek before trailing his hands down to my neck bushing his fingers against my throat. "Red did a good job like always" He mumbles his brown eyes looking into my dull green eyes.

"Welcome to my home...what's your name?" He asked with a grin that didn't look friendly at all. "Cyrus" I answer softly. His hand moves from my throat to grab my hand tugging my towards the door. "Come, I'm sure the boys would like to meet you. After all I did send Red to that auction to get them someone to play with" He says. Play with? What does that mean? What kind of play? I gulp wanting to run away, I don't want to be here. We walk past the doors turning a few corners before entering what looks like a game room. There is a pool table, foosball table, a large TV mounted to the wall with a gaming system with lots of games. Five men are in this room three playing pool while the other two sit on the couch facing the TV while playing a video game. "Boys" They all turn when hearing the man's voice. One of the boys who was sitting on the couch jumps up an excited look on his face. "Who is this? I've never seen him before" The guy says looking me over before grabbing my arm and pulling me to him. He digs his face in neck inhaling heavily. "He smells good! Like the flowers Red likes to receive" He says looking at the others but not letting me go. "Jay, stop smelling him like a creep" Another says looking at me. "He if for you guys! Enjoy!" The man says before leaving me alone with them.

"Yay! If he smells good he must taste good!" Jay says eyeing me with a glint in his eyes. I wiggle out of his grip to back away only to bump into another guy. "Why would X give us a man?" He says spinning me around to get a better look at me. "Maybe he found out your gay, Lee" Someone says. "I'm not gay you fucking bitch!" Lee growls shoving me away making me fall on my butt. "No, but look at him...we could dress him up as a girl!" Jay says picking me up bridal style. "P-Please put me d-down" I stutter wanting down. Jay frowns and I thought he was going to put me down softly but no he actual drops me. He let me go still frowning as I cry out clutching my head. "Jay! You can't just drop him!" A guy scolds before bending down to make sure I'm okay. I scoot away until my back hits a wall then bring my knees to my chest. "I should be able to do what I want with him!" Jay whines like a child. "X got him for us. That means we can do whatever we want with him" I hear Lee explain. I look up my eyes wide with fear. "Zero we could play games with him!" Jay says turning to the guy that came to me when Jay dropped me. "I am for the idea of dressing him up like a girl" I glance at a man with dirty blonde hair and strong cheek bones. "Fuck him like a whore" He adds making me cower. "Clay, you have to share" Jay grumbles crossing his arms over his large chest.

"I like role play" Lee says running a hand through his ash blonde hair while staring at me. I glance at the door then begin crawling to it but I don't make it. One of the guys grabs me picking me up again and I cry. "No! Please, I wanna go home!" I cry trying to get out of his grip. I get thrown onto the couch and I quickly sit up and back away from them. "Chill, we won't do anything....for now" Clay said with a sigh. Jay sits next to me pulling me towards him. "We could put you in a servant outfit! You can serve us!" He says excitedly. One that I haven't met yet crouches down in front of me offering a blanket which I take quickly covering my lower half. "That's Kit, he doesn't talk" Zero said handing Jay a remote for the game they were playing. Kit sits on the floor in front of me with a small smile and I give him a sad smile back. I don't know about the others but Kit seems nice and he's quiet so that's a bonus. Kit stokes my wrist with gentle fingers while the others go back to whatever they were doing.

I have a feeling they will do what they were talking about earlier to me. Making me dress up and serve them. Sure, they are all handsome but there is something about them I don't like. Something is off about them and Jay is...from what I've seen a child in an adult body. I don't know but I don't like it here. I want to go home...or back to my college dorm and finish college so I can be something and maybe make my parents proud. At least I wish I could do that. I don't think I'll be able to escape but I have to at least try...right?

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