Chapter 47: Little Lena Luthor

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"Alright, I can deal with a non-talking baby," Kara bops the girl on the nose, "But I would like it if you did your best so we can have a good day, but don't force your mood, ok?"

Lena smiles at her big and wide, a rarity that Kara wishes she can get more of. Lena leans in on Kara and kisses her on the mouth with much pazazz. It makes both of them giggle.

They have breakfast that consists of a fruit bowl, french toast, and scrambled eggs. The kitchen counters were covered in ingredients. It probably would have been better for the reporter to leave the little girl to her own devices than have her help in the kitchen. Kara did end up snapping at least fifty pictures of a very smiley Lena while they made breakfast, also a couple during the eating.

"How the heck did you manage to get even dirtier?" Kara is holding three now cold wet wipes scrubbing at the sugar-covered lips and fingers.

The girl tried to lick at her lips but the taste of the wipes residue leaves her with a pout on her face. "I like french toast." The girl says simply.

Kara snorts, "Yeah, I can tell." The girl ate two servings of the toasts and only half of an egg. It's better than no egg. "I shouldn't have fed you so much sugar, no french toast and fruit at the same time anymore."

Lena raises her clothed arm to scrub at her face instead, "But-" Kara quickly snatches the offending arm away and finishes her duty at getting the girl clean.

"No buts, and breakfast is now before you shower, it'll be easier that way yeah?" Kara walks away to throw the trash away, catching a slight nod of Lena's head in answer.

Kara grabs the girl's hand and takes her into the room and sets out three outfits for her to pick. "Pick one out, I wanna take you to the park and we can feed the ducks."

The tot's eyes go wide, "Duckies Mama?" Lena points to the black leggings and short sleeve dark blue shirt.

"Yes kir zehdh,(Literal: Little home, Context: Little one) we will see the ducks and you'll get to feed them." Kara puts a little sweater on the girl knowing that the forecast calls for a bit of windiness and Lena seems to get chilly in seventy-degree weather, better be safe than sorry.

The two make it to the park about thirty minutes later. They decided it would be nice for them to take a walk. To fill the time Lena talked about her new lab projects. She used filler words, instead of her usual vocabulary. She was happiest to talk about the new robotics program she is heading for National City school and she is most excited about going to the children's competitions.

Lena practically skipped to the park feeling carefree in her own little bubble with Kara. The reporter was elated to have her little girl for the rest of the day. She did have to stop her from having her fingers out. She would be fine with it but she knows that Lena would be mortified if anything like this were to get out. She doesn't want this to ruin Lena's reputation and then have the girl spiral into self-hatred.

"Feed now?" Lena untangles her hand from Kara's hold and reaches for the bag on the reporter's back.

Kara smiles at the eager girl, "Let me get it for you Lee." Kara reaches round and takes out the contents.

Kara has brought enough for them to stay for an hour or two along with a blanket so they can sit in the grass a little away from the water. She's brought plenty of snacks and lunch for her and Lena. She made sure to pack enough so that they (i.e Kara), didn't have to go back and grab food to eat to satiate her growing hunger.

The reporter takes the girl's hand, making sure to have a good grip on it while they walk closer to the river. It would be a very sad day if Lena ended up taking a tumble into the water, it would spoil what she wants to be a good and happy day today.

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