Ch 21 | A Date (Part One)

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(Your P.O.V)

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This is finally it. I am going on a date with her. Geez, after all those chaotic stuff, I am finally free from it. But still, it got me curious of who she really was. There were times when I wanted to run away, but I feel like at the same time, she would actually meant no harm. We are on our way to Namsan firstly, when Mina suddenly stopped.

"Did you bring some money?" Wait, I just realized that.. how did I get so clumsy that I didn't bring anything with me. I think we're screwed.. wait, can Mina hear me? "Yeah, I can. Thankfully, I bought a card and a few cash with me." Oh well, she knew. That was embarrassing, I don't want to face it. "You should put your head up, it doesn't suit you if you cover your face."

I was pouting while I covered my face. I removed two of my hands, that was covering my face but I looked away then slowly looked at her again with an awkward gaze, only to realize that she wasn't looking at my direction and is finding a cab. I was gonna say something but I don't want to ruin the fun. I know Mina can hear this. I feel guilty just by thinking about it.

She got the cab so we both went in, until the driver said, "Mina, is that your boyfriend?" I wonder who he is, to pry on something.. "Hey, I can hear you. Don't think that I also am a human like you." Sh*, now there are two people invading my privacy. I am not able to calm at this point. I just decided to look at the weather today. I wonder if it rains today, it would honestly be better if it did not, since this was the only time I get to have an opportunity with her.

It seems like Mina is also doing the same. For some reason, I feel a bit uncomfortable when it's quiet. I mean judging by their relationship together, they are friends. My, I feel a bit nauseous.. I hate riding on cabs, because of this.. I easily feel nauseous. Makes me want to just walk instead of riding with this thing. "Y/N, could you give me your hand", Mina suddenly spoke. I nodded and gave her my left hand.

Eh? I suddenly feel really fine.

Wait, is this one of her powers too? "Now, you won't feel nauseous wherever you go." Wait, did she actually.. ? Actually, I'm a bit speechless. Probably later tonight, I need to get sleep early. But if that dream pops again, I think I am going to try and not run away from it. Because I feel like there is something behind about that dead girl.

Now that I think about it.. somehow, it resembles..


It pretty much looks like her.

I'm a bit scared after that thought. Hopefully, I am not going to get eaten or something. Did I perhaps ate too much, which is why I felt nauseous today? I mean I don't eat a lot of portions though. "Aish, why are you noisy", the driver asked. "You're literally obsessed with overthinking, how about you try imagine your gf?" Oh, huh, I don't have a girlfriend. This is just some friendly date, dumbass. "A friendly date?" He then looked at Mina while driving, saying, "LOL, you got turned down, nerd."

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