Ch. 1 | All about Y/N

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(Your P.O.V)

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This alarm clock is the most annoying thing that I will be hearing almost every day. I feel drained every time I go to school, but having to keep my excellency grades were no problem. It was at 4:30 in the morning - yes, I've always woke up this early and being the first one to always come to our classroom. Tiring, isn't it?

My parents have been working abroad for 7 years, it's been so long since I haven't seen their faces but for the record, they have their frames here at the house everyday. It would've been awkward if we were to meet again. We rarely call each other on the phone, which shows how busy they've gotten, over the past years.

Things were so peaceful here so I've asked one of my close friends to live with me since I didn't really want to feel alone and have a little noise at the house. He has always been so loud every day and I appreciate that they somehow fill the whole of this emptiness feeling, but still, I'm not denying the fact that they're annoying. Since we go to the same school, which is Seoul National University, he naturally comes in late so I decided to make a quick breakfast meal so he could easily eat it, if he ever notices that he's late for class.

I'm Y/N, currently 19 years old. I have a small virtual job, which is held every weekdays. I'm a lazy type of person so my job is to moderate this huge Discord server and I get paid $80 monthly. Yeah, I'm a Discordian, but I was only in because I needed money for my everyday living but I wouldn't deny that I've also made some friends within the server. Going back to the story.

I decided to take a shower, but of course, it would be empty without the music going on in the bathroom. I didn't realize it was almost an hour since I was stuck in the bathroom, so I immediately ironed and wore my clothes then forwarded the time when I was eating. It wasn't really much, it was just a normal american-type of breakfast where there's a sunny side-up egg and a sausage in it, with two breads hanging with each other. It was 5:43 AM when I finished eating and since I have already prepared my things since yesterday, I decided to move the food in the refrigerator and leave a note to my friend that his food was inside of it. Afterwards, I decided to move out of the house, going to the university.

Somehow, it is my natural habit in feeling lazy and tired all the time. Physically and mentally. I don't really have any time to listen to some boring lectures and some students won't still be able to get them and decide to nod when they do not understand a single thing, literally, why can't professors know that? I don't really have the guts to skip, but it is what it is. I don't really listen to lectures like I just nod every time and I don't like it when my professors decide to give me attention when I heavily dislike being looked at by a lot of people in the classroom. I can answer all their questions just fine, it is that I'm bothered with those eyes looking towards me, it's disturbing, as if they have problems against me. Although it did make me feel uncomfortable, I decided to go with the flow.

I just hopped into the classroom with no one inside. I guess it's time for me to head the library until classes are going to start very soon.

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