Special Chapter

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Special Chapter of the explanation of Chapter 1 to 30

Explanation on Philippines Backstory:

Ill not explain all but from only chapter 1 - 30, Philippines had a good childhood till the Spanish colonization where then his mother Perla was killed by during a raid whent here house was burned down and Martial Law was only able to save Philippines due to Perla's beg and pressure, Philippines's family bit by bit now no longer then cared about him and during then it was Philippines's uncle who loved and took care of him, During then Philippines also only had Spain Empire who actually never truly loved him as soon this backfired in the future and during then Philippines was also dating Spain, Philippines took illegal drugs that made him feel high and energetic the Pill was meant only for energy but over consumption can cause the high feeling effects, Philippines then during the following years attempted to kill himself by making a slit on his neck, during the following years out of anger and both physical and emotional abuse of his family towards him soon made Philippines kill them all one by one, Starting with Katipunan then Martial Law then Del Pilar, Philippines went insane and during 1898 Philippines broke up with Spain and 8 months after when the America-Philippines War happened and Philippines lost this drove Philippines into deeper insanity, Philippines convinced himself he was loved and loved his family and as he went insane the more his mind made him believe him killing Spain is a good Choice

Philippines Family Tree Explanation:

Grandfather - Kingdom of Tondo (He was killed in 1528 during the Spain Colonization, His wife was a commoner /Still an Unknown Wife)

Father - Katipunan

Mother - Perla

Youngest Son - Philippines

Middle Son - Del Pilar

Oldest Son - Martial Law

Uncle - La Liga

Who is the Special Character:

Adreja Saint Qim, She is a child of a poor Woman and a Failed Countryhuman, She grew up having to learn to fight and have a tough wall around her heart to protect herself of being both emotionally and physically hurt and due to the poverty she lived through she had 'Poverty Abs'(It is a term I once saw in a movie which is when a person living in poverty has no choice to live through the hard work which gives them abs), Adreja became a Soldier and was tough, Short Description Appearance: Long Wavy black hair with Rose Beige Color Skin tone and Silver gray eyes, About 5'11 Tall

Adreja Plays a major role of danger in Russia's relationship with Philippines, Adreja was a long 'lost' lover of Philippines, Adreja had to be separated from Philippines due to her of course a soldier and she had to go to war and went 'missing'

Does Philippines Love Russia:

No. Russia is just apart of Philippines's mastermind plan including the half other plan for a 'perfect' play life

How does Countryhumans work in this AU:

Failed Countryhuman - The Lowest of worth than Unofficial Countryhumans, Born with no Land nor Country, they are kinda a glitch in the matrix, they have no purpose or anything but yet have a flag anr is a countryhuman, Because they don't have a country unlike others, As long as there body is stable and healthy they can live on

Unofficial/Unrecognised Countryhuman - There just like countryhumans, They live on as logn as their Land(Country) is alive and okay but if it collapses(Fails) they die, the difference is that there unrecognised and unofficial countries

Normal Countryhumans - Nothing is special about them but other than having there own Country they rule and have massive power compare to the two lower ones of types of countryhumans, Again. They live on as logn as there country doesn't collapse

What happened to Spain:

He is isolated and locked up, but soon his own POV and own Chapters will be published (it is a part of the plot so bare with me)

Why are some old countries still alive:

In this AU it takes alot to revive a old countryhuman, but it goes like this. they do this scientific things which forces them to be revived (This may seem to not make sense but in the future it will)

What is Philippines's fake and true personality:

Fake - Description: Soft, Kind, Sweet, Loving, Quiet

Real - Description: Silent, Easily Annoyed, Easily Angered but keeps it to himself, Tends to stare at people intensely for no reason, Tens to mock people, Stern looking, Strict

Was Del Pilar and Martial Law good brothers:

Del Pilar - He loved Philippines even after Perla's death but when blinded by angered he would take it out on Philippines repeatedly punching Philippines and throwing things at him and yelling at him as well

Martial Law - He was blinded in anger after Perla's death and blamed Philippines for it

Did Katipunan did a good job being a father:

No, By before Perla's death yes. But after Perla's death Katipunan became cold and neglectful

What was Philippines's Grandfather Tondo like:

Tondo was wise and fierce strong man about 6'0 tall, he was fully convinced that one of his beloved grandsons will succeed in being a royalty only for his kingdom to die and for him to die too before seeing his Grandsons grown

Whose Philippines's friends:

None, the countryhumans that are 'close' with Philippines are convinced Philippines is there friend but if its Philippines's opinion, He doesn't see them as friends.

Why is Philippines always busy:

In the CH working system there are this High Pillar roles which is when a countryhuman do so much work there the head of everything, Philippines takes care alot of things especially the stressful parts which is why Philippines is addicted to coffee and every time always is at work (Which is why he doesn't have time for Russia)

Special Art:

What is happening in the art: Philippines having flashbacks of his Grandfather Tondo's death and starts to hallucinate

What is happening in the art: Philippines having flashbacks of his Grandfather Tondo's death and starts to hallucinate

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