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𝟎𝟖 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

Parvati was heading towards school like every other day. There was still rubble around the city from the bombs, and most roads had been closed, forcing most of the population to walk to their workplaces, errands, or educational sites.

But all those drastic changes were nothing compared to what she had gone through.

Her fingers traced a small circle on the inside of her other wrist. A small disk was implanted right under her skin, just above her veins. Pressing that disk would kickstart a bodily reaction in her, which would transform her into the Prowler. No matter how much the Scientist had consoled her, Parvati still felt like she was a reincarnated robot, rather than a human.

Something brush past her, and she saw a flash of colour, 'Hello, miss. Where did you disappear over the past two days?'


'I-' she couldn't reveal her Prowler identity, not right now, 'I fell... unconscious.'

'Oh, damn I'm so sorry. Hope you're feeling better,' he said, before handing her a small glass of brown, milky liquid, 'I brought you some chai.'

She took the warm cup from him, lifting it to her lips and taking a sip. He also took one from his own cup, lifting his mask very slightly to expose some tan skin, and started walking beside her. Their footsteps were in union. She noticed him take a side glance at her.

'Why are you looking?'

'Your ears,' he pointed out, 'They're cute. I know it seems weird- er, and a bit strange that I'm talking about your ears. Like, your ears. No one would think about complimenting that part, eh?' he said, tripping over his words awkwardly.

Parvati's body wasn't able to make up its mind as to whether she should blush at his compliment or not, 'Thanks, I guess?'

'Yeah... anyways, I'll see you later, okay? Bye!' he brought out his web slinger and activated it, taking for the skies.

In the span of seconds Parvati shot into the alleyway and threw her bag on the ground. She pressed the disk on the side of her wrist and felt the metal and cloth cover her skin. The Scientist would kill her family if she didn't do this. 

Soon the Prowler was ready, and she scaled the side of a building much faster than she would've without her powers. Her clawed hands hooked on to every little nick of the metal and bricks, propelling her forward. After reaching the top, she ran.

Jumping over buildings, the Indian Spiderman came into her peripheral vision. He was swinging towards her, obviously curious as to why there was this person easily managing to scale and jump buildings. He flipped and landed beside her.

'Hi there new person who is also able to scale buildings like me! Ayy, like the metal suit! Very-'

Before he could utter the rest of his sentence, the Prowler took hold of his neck with her clawed hand, pressing him against the electricity generator of the building they were standing on. The generator gave a crackle and a spark, before dying down.

'Hey! That's not cool. I don't really mind the choking me bit, but there are people who live in the building, and you just cut their power!' he said, wheezing.

She blinked, before he sailed over her in a graceful arc, landing on the other side. Lunging, she launched herself at him, electricity crackling at the tips of her claws. Spiderman jumped out of the way as she kept chasing him. Fortunately for her small size, she was agile and fast. 

He started to swing away, and she followed him, her shoes sticking to the sides of the building as she used them for support. He looked hurriedly behind, shocked at this strange stranger who wanted to kill him for some reason. But he had no enemies at the moment. And certainly no enemies who could chase after him with such strange powers!

He shot into the air, 'Why do you want to kill me, bro? What did I do?! Okay, maybe I took your vada pav by accident when flying through the air, but we can talk that out! Don't tell me you wanna kill me on the terms of vada pav ?!'

They both climbed higher and higher until they reached a building. A very specific building which had ingrained itself into the Prowler's memory as a bad building. One that brings very, very emotional memories.

They were on the building which Manish had jumped off.

Now that she looked at Spiderman, she couldn't bring herself to attack him more. He had been the one who'd saved Manish from hitting the ground. The electricity on her claws faltered, before going out. Spiderman seemed to sigh in relief but took his stance again. 

The Prowler shook her head and dropped her hands in defeat. She wasn't going to attack him today, just for Manish. She knew the Scientist would not be happy, but she would try to explain as much as she could.

But the Prowler would definitely come back for the Indian Spiderman.



Hello guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I'll promise I'll make it up in the next one... and who knows? Maybe there will be a bit of romance?

Stay tuned!

--Jiya. A

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