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Parvati Prakash's feet flew out from underneath her as she weaved through the heavy traffic of Mumbhattan. He was going to jump, and she had to stop him. There had to be some way. 

Vendors shouted at her, and autorickshaws and cars honked their horns as they tried to get out of the gridlock traffic they'd ended up in. Her skirt hitched up slightly as she slid over the bonnets of cars and her bag bumped uncomfortably against her back to the rhythm of her feet. But there was no way a 15-year-old schoolgirl could outrun a 14-year-old suicidal boy. 

'MANISH!' she screamed, 'MANISH NO!'

Manish Arora was not Parvati's blood brother but rather her adopted brother. He had gone through too much as a child, which had affected his mental health very badly. They'd sent him to therapy, and he'd claimed to be better. But in this moment, she realised that Manish had been lying all this time.

He hadn't gotten better... he'd gotten worse.

The boy was now up on top of a tall building, contemplating whether he should walk over the edge. Parvati loved him, she really did. And she could not see him fall to his death, his body framed in a pool of his own blood on the ground...

'MANISH!' she yelled again, earning stares from the people below.

But the boy had seemed to make up his mind. He ran towards the edge of the building and leapt off. The wind ruffled his hair, and made his school tie flutter in the air. He looked like he was simply walking, for his face had an expression of tranquillity on it. The sun caught his body, framing it with a halo of light. 

This is the way he would die, like a fallen angel.


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