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عنایت ۔ (Inayat)

Character description- Part 1

Once upon a time, there lived a very happy couple in a vast mansion alone. Ahmed Sultan Khan and his beloved wife, Mahira Ahmed Khan, whom he also lovingly calls Mahira begum, longed for children for as long as they have been married. With utmost faith in God and being very religious, god blessed them with two sons and a daughter. Both the parents loved all their children equally, but their daughter was extremely special to them. And not only to them, but her brothers also loved her so much. They all lived happily, fought sometimes, then console next, but amidst everything, they all were grateful for the little family they have.

Shahveer Ahmed Khan, the eldest son of Ahmed Sultan Khan, took the responsibility of his father's empire- Khan enterprises at the ripe age of 21. He worked hard in the company since he was 18 years old to prove his worth and finally got the position of CEO at 23. He then married to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, Kainaat Shahveer Khan. The marriage was arranged with the consent of both of their parents. Both had a very soft corner for each other and prayed for each other's well-being. Shahveer couldn't go a day without his Kainaat, as he says. Kainaat also, loves her husband very much. Though his alpha like stoic personality is known by the world, he behaves exceptionally soft and understanding when he is with the ones he loves. Two years later, they were blessed with a son- Kabir Shahveer Khan. As he grows, people in the family find his nature very similar to his father.

Arshad Ahmed Khan, the second child of Ahmed Sultan Khan and Mahira Ahmed Khan. He is 2 years younger than his brother and respects him very much. When he was 24, he opened his own textile business and named it- Khan Textiles, which is famous in the entire world. He was against the idea of marriage but one look at his future arranged bride and he threw all the rational thoughts out of the window. For him, his wife- Aziya Arshad Khan, and his mother are the most beautiful women. He got married at 27, his wife was 23; 6 years after his brother got married. Almost after a year of being married, they got blessed with boy twins- Farhaan Arshad Khan and Arhaan Arshad Khan. Then 3 years later, they got blessed with another boy- Qasim Arshad Khan. Then a year later, a princess took birth in their family, Inayat Aziya Khan.

Samaira Hamza Ali, the only daughter of Ahmed Sultan Khan and Mahira Ahmed Khan, married the boy of her parents' choice- Hamza Humair Ali. They were blessed with 1 girl and 2 boys- Humaira Hamza Ali, the eldest daughter, Ashar Hamza Ali, 2 years younger than Humaira and finally, Rahil Hamza Ali, the youngest of all.


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