Healing a broken heart

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Mina was unaware that she slept on the couch. She can't even open her eyes since it is so puffy from crying. When she pulled out her phone, she is hoping that she can call her wife but it is still turned off. When she is about to put it down, someone calls her - it's her secretary. 

"Mrs. Son, are you not going to work today? You have a meeting with one of our clients to discuss the expansion of the company abroad."

"Okay. I'll come", Mina replied. She doesn't have the will to do anything today after what happened last night. But since she is the CEO, she can't do anything since there are a lot of people relying on their company. Mina arrived at the company and was able to talk to the client. The meeting is done and she is about to go back to the office to take a rest when her secretary said that her wife's legal counsel is waiting for her. She then asked her secretary not to disturb them while they are talking. 

"Hello, Mrs. Son!", Mr. Nam-joon Kim said.

"Hello!", Mina replied. 

"Well, you know very well why I am here again. My client already signed the divorce papers and already requested to process this as soon as possible. She also would like to say that there's no more meeting between the two of you. The property will be split in half and if you have other demands, you can also say it and we will check it".

Mina can't help but let her tears fall. So this is it. This is where all her effort ends. She stares at it for a couple of minutes before looking at the attorney.

"Uhm, does she says anything to me?" Mina asked. 

"Nothing, in particular, Mrs. Son. But she is eager to process the divorce papers and looking forward to a new life, that's what she says", the attorney said.

Mina despite being hesitant to sign those papers, do it if that is her wife's wish. 

That's the last time that she has heard any news from her wife. 

After 8 years:

"Mina, wake up! Come with us! We will go to Switzerland! Come on now! Get up!", Sana tried to wake her best friend. 

"Oh my god! What's this? A pig pen? Eeeww! What's that smell? Mina, how can you stay in here?" Momo irritatingly said. 

Everything has changed now. After that painful day wherein Mina gave Chaeyoung's freedom, she had never been herself. She doesn't care about what will happen to their company or anyone else. It's like she is a living zombie. Good thing that her brother temporarily replaced her as the CEO knowing what happened to her. Now, without anything else in mind, she just doing her thing. Every night, she just cries and will drink too much alcohol until she passed out. That's her daily routine for the past 8 years. Their friends knew about it and tried to console their friend but what they can do? Only Chaeyoung can help her and bring back the glow and smile on her. 

Tzuyu and Dahyun are looking at Mina. Actually, they pity her. They knew the effort that Mina put into getting Chaeyoung back. But because of that crazy Sakura, everything was a mess. They don't really know where is their best friend as she stops communicating with them after that day. 

Mina slowly opened her eyes and upon seeing her friends, she just close it and tried to go back to sleep. She doesn't want to come with them and prefers to go to sleep or have a drink. 

"You can all go! Don't mind me here! I want to sleep!" Mina refused and turn her back to them. The gang looked at each other and come up with an idea. They surrounded their friend. Sana holding Mina's left arm while Momo is holding the other. Nayeon and Jongyeon are holding their friend's leg and carrying her like a pig to their car. Tzuyu and Dahyun get a suitcase and put some clothes of Mina. They never forget to bring their friend's passport. 

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