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Mina woke up early the next morning. She slowly opened her eyes when she saw the face of the woman who she longed to see sleeping beside her. Finally, she was able to sleep soundly last night. It might sound cliché but for the past years that she's not with Chaeyoung, she barely gets enough sleep and most of the time, crying. They may not be officially together again, but she's more than happy with what is going on between them, and hopefully will not encounter any issues along the way. 

She carefully let go of the arms that is hugging her and stood up so she can start preparing their breakfast. After almost an hour, she was done cooking and was about to go to her room to wake up her wife when she suddenly felt arms hugging her waist from behind. She widely smiles knowing who's hugging her and turn her head to see her wife. 

"Good morning, my love!" I prepare some breakfast! Let's eat!" Mina happily said. 

"Good morning! Thank you for the breakfast!", Chaeyoung replied and still her eyes closed and still sleepy. Mina can't help but kiss Chaeyoung's cheeks as she is so cute looking like that. She carefully drags her wife but instead of letting her sit on one of the chairs, she sits first and lets her wife sit on her lap. Chaeyoung was again surprised by Mina's boldness and was about to stand up but Mina stopped her from doing so. 

"You don't have permission to sit on any chair here. You can only sit on my lap. I will feed you. Don't argue with me okay? Consider this as the first step in courting you, my love". Mina said while putting some food in Chaeyoung's mouth.

"Is this too much? You are just courting me but the way we act is more than that!" Chaeyoung reacts after swallowing the food that Mina gave her. 

"Nope! This is insufficient. We're already past that stage my love. We are now at this part of courting where being intimate like this is normal." Mina seriously explained.

"Huh? You're weird!" Chaeyoung said while pouting.

"Yes, weird for you. Now eat! Say ah!" Mina teases her wife and treats her like a baby. 

"Stop! I am not a baby Mina!" Chaeyoung complained while refusing to eat the food. Mina laughs while putting down the spoon with the food. 

"Alright, alright. I'll stop. By the way my love, I have some works to do at the company. We do have an investor and I need to be there. Would that be okay?"

"Of course! You're still the CEO and you need to be there and don't be dependent on others doing the job for you". Chaeyoung replied.

"Thank you love for understanding. I promise that I'll be back home once I'm done with it." Mina said.

"No need to do that. I'll need to go somewhere as well. I'll need to meet one of our clients as well. Remember Somi, right? She received a call from someone who's been recommended by our client before". Chaeyoung told Mina.

"Huh? So you're with Somi again?" Mina furrowed. She doesn't like the feeling that her wife is being with Somi again. But what she can do? That's work and she doesn't want to create another conflict that might trigger a fight between her and her wife. 

After an hour, they are already at Mina's car. Mina offered to drive Chaeyoung to where she will meet her travel buddy. Chaeyoung is struggling to control herself from being mad since Mina drives slowly as if she is just starting to learn how to drive. 

"Mina! Can you at least loosen up a bit? The turtle is faster than you driving! My gosh! Are you not feeling well? If it is, let me drive the car so I cannot be late for my meeting!" Chaeyoung is on the verge of smacking her wife while scolding her for being so slow. 

Mina didn't mind what her wife is saying and just continue driving slowly.  They eventually arrived at the place and Chaeyoung just get off from the passenger seat and run to the meeting place. Mina looks where Chaeyoung is going and sees that she enters a restaurant. She then followed her and enter the place. The waiter who was at the entrance was mesmerized by her beauty. She then asked where is Chaeyoung. The waiter doesn't know who's she talking to when she describes her. "She's small, has doe eyes that look like a cute baby cub, and has blonde hair". The waiter then remembers the woman who enters one of their VIP rooms and assists Mina to where it is. Mina gave the waiter a tip and thank him for assisting her. She then knocks on the door and opens it. Somi, Chaeyoung and a man who she thinks is about the same age as her looked at the door. Chaeyoung widened her eyes and stood up from her seat. 

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