The talk

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Mina's POV:

It's been three days since I spoke to our friends. It's a matter of time now before my love would agree to talk to me. The last time that she answered her phone, I desperately asked her to talk to me. Now, I'm trying my luck again. Hopefully, she agreed this time. 

I initially dialed her number and prayed that it will connect. I'm seeing a little hope when I hear ringing on the other line. Please, please, please answer this, my love. 

"Hello". I heard what she says on the other line. 

"Hello, my love? Uh, ho-how are you? Ca-Can we-we talk? Pretty please?", I asked her.

No words came out on the other line but I heard her sighing deeply.

"What do you want?", she coldly asked. I was shocked to hear her response. I am not used to her coldness but I know that I am the one to blame. 

"I understand that you don't want to see me, but please, Chaeyoung, my love, I would like to talk to you personally", I insist. 

Like what she did earlier, I heard her sighing again before she answer, "Okay, where do you want to meet?" she asked. My eyes get wider and smile unknowingly. 

"Let's meet at the restaurant where we had our first date", I said. 

"Okay, let's me there at around 6 PM". 

"Sure, thank you Chaeyoung, I -" Then Mina heard a beep sound. She just looks at her phone and that rude action of her wife doesn't affect her much as she knows that she had the chance to see her. 

Mina doesn't know what to wear since she wants to impress her wife. In the end, she just chooses a simple white dress that shows her sexiness and curves. She wants her wife's attention.  After being satisfied with her look, she now rides her car going to the restaurant where they will meet up. 

Mina arrive 15 minutes early than expected.  She wants to make sure that she is not in a rush going to the place and to prepare herself as well. After a couple of minutes, she noticed someone from her left side that is walking closer to her. With jaw dropped, she now sees her wife - had a new haircut like the one from the Goblin and wearing white polo sleeves,  black pants, and sunglasses. Mina thought that she went back to the first day that she saw her wife and fell in love with her.  Her wife just sits across from her and removes her sunglasses.

No one's POV:

Mina just keeps staring at her wife without blinking. Chaeyoung, who is already aware of what's happening, suddenly smirks and says, "Stop staring at me Ms. Myoui, I might melt". 

Mina suddenly goes out of her trance and replies," Sorry, I haven't seen you for months now. I just miss you".  Chaeyoung on the other hand scoffs, "Really, I don't believe you Ms. Myoui. You can just be honest with me now that you are free to do whatever you and your lover want to do in your life". 

Mina was hurt hearing those words from Chaeyoung. She put her head down and keep quiet for a while. 

Chaeyoung noticed the quietness surrounding their table, and call a waiter to order food. 

"What do you want?", Chaeyoung asks her soon-to-be-ex-wife. 

"Same as what you will order", Mina replied. Chaeyoung then tells the waiter what she wants and waits for the food to arrive. They eat first before they start talking. 

"So, what do you want to tell me? My legal counsel says that you want to talk to me first before signing the papers", Chaeyoung initially started the conversation.

"Yes, I-I want to talk to you personally," Mina replied.  "How are you?" She followed by asking her wife.

"Still in pain but in the process of moving on. I'm almost there, don't worry". Chaeyoung nonchalantly asked. "How about you?" This time, Chaeyoung asked the question.

Mina looked at her wife. Her eyes showed regret, pain, and hope. She eventually put her head down and says, "I regret my actions that I did back then. If only I extend my patience and understanding, this wouldn't happen. I know that my mistake is unacceptable and I already accept the consequences of what I did. I-I'm sorry that I hurt you, my love. I'm sorry for the pain that I caused you. It's not really my plan to do it but I'm fragile at that time and let my emotions overcome. I know that I did wrong and I truly regret it. I hope that you will still give me a chance to fix everything. Just one more chance to prove to you that I am sincerely and deeply sorry for those mistakes. If I still redo the same mistake again, then you will never say anything, and I will leave you for good".

Chaeyoung didn't utter a word and just looked at her wife.  

"How can you do it? Huh, Mina? How can you fix my heart that was broken and shuttered to thousand pieces? Every time I looked at you, those hideous things that you did with her still linger on my mind. I almost lose my job, the fucking job that I work hard to achieve just because the person to who I dedicate those achievements is already lost? Tell me, how can you fix us if you are the one who broke it? Tell me!", Chaeyoung is already on the verge of crying. 

"That's the very reason why I am asking for another chance. I will hold on to that chance for you to forgive me. I know that it may take a while for you to forget everything, but I am more than willing to wait until we are okay. That we're totally okay. Until then, I just hope that you will still stay by my side and never leave me". Mina is already crying at this moment. She cannot stop to burst into emotion now.

"I don't know, Mina, I don't know. Because the pain that you've caused me is 1000 times more painful than my family disowned me. You know that you are the very first persons that I fight for and am still willing to fight against anyone who will try to break our marriage. But out of all the people that I think of, you are the one who did it." Chaeyoung is now crying hard and keeping her head down. 

Mina can't help it so she stood up and walk closer to Chaeyoung. It's a good thing that they've reserved a closed room so that no one could ever hear what they are talking.  She slowly and carefully hugs the fragile woman in front of her. How she missed those times when they hug each other tightly. How she misses those times when her love leans on her shoulder whenever she wants to cuddle with her or ask for her attention. All of it was lost due to her stupidity. 

They really don't know how long have been in that position. Suddenly, Chaeyoung moves and lifts her head up. 

"I'm at a loss right now and can't say that I can forgive you. If I want to fix this, I would need to fix myself first. I need to pick up the broken pieces of my heart that were shattered because of you. If you can wait, then that's good. but if you can't, then so be it". And after that, Chaeyoung left a couple of money on the table to pay for the food they ate and left. 

Mina, despite crying, is also smiling knowing that Chaeyoung will at least give her a chance. She just needs to wait for her to be completely healed. She then promises to herself that she'll do everything to woo her wife like the way she did when they are still studying. 

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