Chapter Six: A Bold Move

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(Changbin's POV):

       I can feel the gaze of my classmates on me everywhere I go—Whether the feeling is over-dramatized and spun out of proportion in my teenage head; it just always feels that way—Hell yeah I love the attention, just not the people giving it to me. I could care less about the people themselves. Which I recognize is self-centered of me. Even with such eyes on me, I've never had an actual crush on anyone in our school or actually felt strong emotions when I am with a girl. And, I don't understand why. I don't think much into it, and instead I pay attention back to the assembly. Honestly, I have no idea what kind of no bullying, and friendship ideas they are pushing this time. I look around looking at some girls whispering to each other, and other kids messing around. And, other kids so bored that they have no choice but to pay attention to the assembly, as it being the only source of entertainment.

       "Hey," I hear some boy next to me say. I ignore it, as he is most likely talking to a friend next to him or something.

       "Changbin? Is that your name?" I look at him next to me. I see him around, I just never really cared enough to talk to him. He reaches his hand out for me to shake. I take it, in my own.

       "Uh yeah, what's up?"

       "Oh nothing, I was just curious. My name is Jung Duri." We sit in silence for a few minutes before he starts up again. "How about we go- Somewhere—anywhere."

       "Why not?" I smile getting up from my spot and head for the doors. The teachers don't stop us, probably assuming we're just going to the bathroom. Or they just don't care.

      "Who took my white pullover?" I hear Chan yell from his room. I then see him go to the other members' rooms, most likely asking them if they have it.

       Admittedly, I do have it. As a matter of a fact I'm wearing it right now; as I'm sprawled out on the couch looking for something to watch on Disney+. And, I'm feeling too lazy to speak up and tell Chan I'm currently wearing his lost hoodie after being in the gym not so long ago. I continue my search on Disney+, when Bangchan wanders into the living room.

      He looks down at the hoodie, smiles and sighs, "Oh there it is."

       Chan comes over to the couch, moves my legs up and out the way so he has room to sit; my feet now on the couch and my knees up.

       "Why do you only take my clothes anyways." He rests his chin in between my knees, his hands placed on the outside of them.

       "Your clothes are the only ones that fit. Hyunjin, and Jisung's are too small. And, Minho's are in the other dorm, of course." I focus my attention back on the TV trying to find a movie.

       "We should watch Deadpool 2-" he picks his head up from off my knees, but still looking at me. "-since the third movie is coming out next year."

       I don't dismiss his suggestion. It's not like I can find any other movie to watch. "Okay then, but I've never watched the first one." I have seen enough clips from the movie to get the gist of it; for performance purposes. Although, I don't think I ever fully sat down to watch it all the way through with no distractions.

       He looks at me dramatically, almost offended before starting again, "Then we must watch the first one!"

       I sit up and hand him the remote. He takes it happily, looking up Deadpool in the search bar. "Sub or dub?" He asks me, as I go back to my previous position.

.~"𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗"~. (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now