Chapter Nine: Love With Every Touch

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(Changbin's POV):

       I open my eyes, my gaze slowly becoming clear adjusting to the light. I turn around, sit up almost cursing, yelling, close to possibly even throwing a few punches; when I meet Bangchan's eyes lying on his side, watching me, smiling as he always does. I put my hand over my chest making sure my heart is still within its cage, surprised that it didn't pop out from the scare.

       "Oh my god, don't pull that shit ever again." I push him playfully.

       Bangchan winces, acting hurt, "Ouch~" he grabs his shoulder. "Why haven't you changed yet, love?"

       My mouth hangs open, not sure if I heard him right, "Love?" I repeat out loud. I feel physically and emotionally weak repeating the word out loud. Such an outward display of affection, so raw and unfiltered, no need for any kind of deciphering. Love. He calls me his love. His walking heart, his love personified. He's has given me control of his heart, his existence.

       "I think it's cute! Do you not?" Chan looks down, running his hand across the bed covers, smoothing out the wrinkles. I nod assuring him that I have nothing against the pet name. In fact it is meaningful, I'm honored to be called such. "Honestly, last night I barely kept it together. Deep down I've been wanting you to tell me that you wanted more than just a kiss..." He pats the bed, looking up at me to see my reaction.

       I bite my lip looking down, surprised at such a conversation so early in the morning. Maybe his thought process is to just get the tension and obvious desires out of the way.

       "It's quite early for this, no?"

       He looks down using his finger to trace the creases in the sheets. "Hmm...I guess so. I just thought that the earlier we talked about this the quicker we could not only feel comfortable with each other, but go through the actual prepping processes."

       "Prepping process?" I tilt my head questioning the meaning of what he is implying.

       He smiles at me warmly sitting up, reaching over and pinching my cheek. "It is too early for this, isn't it?" He discernibly second guesses himself, "Now hurry up and get changed, you aren't planning on wearing these clothes from yesterday into today are you?" He waves me off.

       I head to my closet looking for comfortable loungewear that I can relax till our scheduled event later. I take out grey sweatpants, and a loose black short sleeve v-neck shirt. I've found out when I first wore it quickly that it fits my chest but is a size too big below. I am about to take my pants off when I turn around to look at Chan.

       "Are you just going to lay there and watch?"

       He smirks, "I can't enjoy the show?" He lays on the end of the bed closest to me, his head resting in his hand, eyes full of definite admiration that even I can't be too blind to see.

       Despite how lewd the sentence came out I can tell it is out of love. His eyes travel down checking me out even though my clothes are still on. One can only fathom what Chan might be conjuring up in that head of his. I can't help but enjoy knowing the effect I have on him, as he has with me. I turn around and continue taking off my belt and hang it on a belt hanger in my closet, and I slowly take my pants off, playing into Chan's gaze.

       "How playful~," He purrs, his voice too sweet for his—and my—own good.

      My teasing ends as soon as it started as I quickly put my new pair of pants on, and switch my shirt just as fast. I turn around straightening my shirt then gaze at him.

       "How cute can one be?" He sits up at the end of the bed, "Come." He urges me, tapping his hand on the bed gesturing to me to sit down next to him.

.~"𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗"~. (ChanChang)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin