
377 31 170

Story Rules:

- I accept pretty much all stories. It can be ongoing or complete. Mature stories are fine, I am 18+ and have no triggers. Smut is fine too, but keep in mind if you have a story with an excess amount of smut, I'm probably going to skip many of the scenes. Reading smut is fine, but in excess, it makes me deeply uncomfortable. I'll still read the story, however.

- If you have an ongoing story and are submitting to the long-format or short-format categories, you must included an approximate of the planned chapters.

- I recently changed my length rules: every category except for long-format can submit their story as long as it has 1 chapter. Oneshots are allowed for every category. However, chapters like a prologue, achievements, disclaimers, etc. are not counted toward the total chapter length.

- You can update your story and make minor edits after you submit. Just don't make any major edits like changing the tense it is written in, the point of view, a big worldbuilding element, etc. I define minor edits as cleaning up dialogue, fixing grammar/spelling, fixing minor plot holes, etc.

- If you change the title of the story that's fine, just message me the following: 1) The original title of the story 2) The new title 3) What category you submitted to.

Do not leave an application near the form. Leave your application as an inline comment next to the "Apply here" in the category you wish to apply to. You'll see what I mean when you scroll down.

STOP: Are you following me? Did you post this story on your message board? If you did not do both of those things, I will reject your application until you do.

If you followed me on a backup, make sure you left a comment saying what the backup account is.

Note 6/06/24: Yes, this contest is still open and active. It's been a while, but it will be judged and completed. It's just been a bit slower since I'm focusing on finishing up the Eclipse Awards and the FN Awards, but I will be starting judging for this asap and promoting it to fill the remaining slots. Remember I'm just one person and I'm doing all this by myself, so results and judging could take longer than average. Don't be shy if you see this, please feel free to sign up if you are interested because it is active and open.






Status (ongoing/complete):

Number of chapters:

Planned number of chapters (completed books can ignore this):


Tags (4-12 people):

Try to tag fellow Jungkook writers :)

If you are submitting to multiple categories, you only have to do the tags once.

Do not tag me.

READ THIS: It seems a lot of people are submitting to multiple categories with the same book. You CANNOT do this. You can submit to three different categories with three different books. Please do not submit the same book more than once. I will not accept the same book more than once.

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