Chapter 5:Our city

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*a day later*

Stiles was smiling as he layed on the roof of Derek's loft and at the memories that replayed in his head. Stiles laughed at the memories of Stefan and Elena. That city knew his name and those are his people. He was a very long way away from there. He wondered how they were and laughed at how dumb Elena was. Klaus saw Stiles' boots hanging off of the roof and knew where his brother was. Klaus got on the roof and saw his brother laughing. "It is nice to see you laughing little brother" he said. Stiles opened his eyes,"I was just thinking about home and how Elena is going to cry when I come back home". Klaus laughed and nodded his head while laying next to Stiles. "I miss our city, we are leaving today right?" Klaus asked and Stiles nodded. Klaus got up when Stiles did, Stiles jumped and landed on the ground. Klaus landed next to him and Stiles started smirking. He shoved Klaus and took off running. Klaus growled and laughed when he followed Stiles. They played this game when they were bored but made it fun by having no rules.

As Kluas caught up to Stiles, Stiles froze he sat down and tears started running down his cheeks. "I missed this" Stiles said softly, "So did I brother" Klaus sat next to Stiles and they watched the river flowing infront of them. "Hey brother do you still believe in one another?" Stiles asked and Klaus shoved him. "I still believe in you" Stiles got up and smiled. Klaus got up and hugged Stiles, "Thanks big bro". They ran back to the loft while shoving each other and laughing. Stiles opened the loft door to see everyone at the dinner table. "Took you boys long enough to come back" Rebekah said pouting. "Oh don't be jealous because me and Klaus spent time together Reka" Stiles said sitting in his place next to Derek. Stiles nodded as Klaus sat next to Rebekah. They all raised their glasses that was full of blood, wine or juice for the minors and Stiles stood up, "To being in peace and going home" everyone took a sip of their drink. Once Derek took a bit of his food everyone started eating. Stiles smiled at how well everyone was getting along and the question he did not want to ask came into his head.

"Who is coming with us to Mystic Falls?" Stiles asked and the whole table froze and went silent. Derek grabbed Stiles hand and nodded at him. Isaac nodded at them aswell and Stiles started relaxing. "Um I will have to ask my parents" Liam said sad. Stiles nodded and looked at the rest, "I am down to go" Aiden said and Jackson agreed. Lydia smiled and agreed aswell because she can't go without these people. Malia was in immediately because it was her Stiles. Stiles took a deep breath and reassured himself that they were different to his past freinds. This was his pack, his family and his home. Liam got up after dinner and walked up to Stiles. "Stiles?" Stiles turned around and nodded at Liam. "Can I go home and talk to my parents?" Stiles smiled and nudged Derek. "Hunny please take Liam home" Derek kissed Stiles and walked out of the loft, "Come on pup!" Derek yelled. Liam ran out of the loft and Stiles laughed. Klaus noticed Stiles looking at his feet confused. He approached Stiles and cleared throat. Stiles jumped and looked up to see Klaus next to him.

"Are you okay Mischief?" Klaus asked worried when he saw the confusion in his brother's eyes. "No I am confused because I have never met my true mate and I don't know why but the urge to yell at the pups for calling me by my name is getting stronger" he said in one breath. I processed what he said and started laughing in my head. "Brother are you feeling more drawn to submitting to your mate?" Stiles nodded and Klaus motioned Elijah to come over. Elijah smiled and leaned against the wall by them. "Brother could you inform Mischief about true mates and how it works with packs" Elijah nodded and started explaining. "When you find your true mate his pack becomes your family and if you feel angry because they call you by your name" Stiles tilted his head and smiled. "So what does my wolf want them to call me?" Klaus nodded at Isaac as he came over to them. "Mom can I go to the school with Jackson and Aiden." Stiles nodded and hugged Isaac. "Sure pup as long as your safe" Stiles said and Klaus stood there smirking. "There is what you want to be called Brother" Klaus said.

Stiles rolled his eyes and blushed, Derek came back ten minutes later. A smile crept on his face when he saw Stiles laughing with his brothers. Derek approached Stiles from behind and wrapped his arms around Stiles' waist. Stiles smiled and leaned into Derek, "How did it go with Liam?" Stiles asked. Derek sighed and started hugging Stiles tighter. "Well Liam talked to his parents and he can come with us as long as he comes back in two weeks" Stiles froze in thought. "Two weeks? Does that mean we will have to come visit if we want to see him?" Derek nodded and kissed Stiles' shoulder.

Derek saw Stiles' pained expression and swaying. Stiles was becoming a stress ball but relaxed when Derek started sway them. "He can leave on Monday but the rest of the pack can go with you so long. I will bring Liam to you guys on Monday okay?" Stiles nodded and pulled himself out of Derek's arms. "Pups it is time to pack and getting ready to leave so I give you a hour to meet back here with your bags!" Stiles yelled and the pack cleared the loft. An hour later everyone was there and Stiles was very happy about that.

"Let's go to my city and for my siblings our city"

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