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Seolhee sunk into the black leather of Chan's Dodge Hellcat, his expression furious, jaws clenched, one hand gripping the steering wheel so tightly that she thought it would pull off. His other hand was on the gears and in a way, it was beautiful watching the way he would push the gears and steer, the speed only increasing as they drove away from the tracks.

When they had finally reached the outskirts of the main city, Chan decided to speak. "I told you not to come, and you didn't listen,"

Seolhee fired up. "You said don't come. You didn't give me a reason, you didn't say that the cops would turn up,"

"I thought you'd listen! If you'd just listened to me, then you wouldn't have had to face the cops like that!"

"Well next time you want to keep me safe, then say it to my face," 

Seolhee glared at the boy, her expression unrelenting, and Chan pulled over to the side of the empty road, staring at her back.

"What happened to the Princess who would listen?" He muttered. "I didn't say anything because I wanted to keep you as distant from our world as possible,"

"Don't call me Princess," Seolhee said fiercely. "And it's too late. I've come to two races now, and I'll keep coming back, whether you like it or not. I'm just as much a part of your world now,"

Chan couldn't take his eyes off her. The boys in his class and all of the others had always made themselves fools around the Park girl, and even Minho agreed that she was gorgeous. But Chan had always ignored them, pre-occupied with his cars to take notice of the girl that captured hearts all across their school. Yet now that he was staring at her face-on, he could understand.

She was a goddess walking on earth.

Her doe eyes, the curve of her nose, her pink lips that were curled into the fiercest of expressions. Black hair that framed her face too perfectly. She was effortless, and she knew it. But best of all was the fact that she had broken out of the Princess shell that he had categorised her into. 

She knew how to talk back.

"It's not like I can stop you," Chan leaned back into his seat. "Do what you like, Princess, but if you get caught, then don't blame it on me,"

Seolhee scoffed. "I won't get caught, besides, you won't let them catch me. And don't call me Princess,"

"And pray tell how you came to that conclusion,"

Seolhee couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face. "Well, the second the alarms blared and Jina and I had made it down the stands, you were driving straight towards us, to get us out of there,"

Well shit.


The Park girl winced as the front door closed with a small tick. She couldn't risk her parents catching her, not when she had sneaked out for this particular race. And if they found out that the police had arrived... well, she'd been in massive trouble.

Her feet were quick, light as she hurried up the stairs, heading straight into her bedroom, quickly changing out of her clothes into pyjamas, opening a textbook and some notebooks. She had to convince them that she'd been studying.

"Someone's home early,"

Hyunji leaned against the doorframe watching her older sister remove her make-up with desperation. "What happened?"

"Police," Seolhee said shortly.


"Police arrived. We had to leave," Seolhee turned to face her sister. "Where are they?"

"Office, they haven't left it all night," Hyunji glanced back to the hallway. "They haven't noticed anything, they just think you've been studying all night,"

"Good. Let it be that way," Seolhee relaxed for the first time that night since the chaos at the tracks. "As long as they don't know that I snuck out, then everything should be smooth,"

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