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Seolhee was thankful for the fact that Jina was in the car with her, otherwise, it would've been so awkward. Her best friend was happily chatting to Chan about street racing and cars and the boy was equally responsive. But the Hellcat had already rolled up to the street in which Jina lived and it was time for her to go.

"Thanks for the ride, Chan," She waved at the pair. "See you tomorrow, Seolhee, goodnight!"

Chan offered her a nod and Seolhee waved back at her best friend before she left. 

"Sit in the passenger seat, there's no point sitting in the back now that she's gone," Chan turned around to face Seolhee.


She quickly slipped into the passenger seat and the Hellcat began to move once more, this time headed to her residence.

The drive was silent for a few moments until Seolhee decided to get to know the boy a little bit more. "So, how did you get into street racing?"

Chan glanced at her from the rearview mirror. "My uncle used to be a mechanic at the compound. I used to help him out, but I was mainly there to test out the cars. Uncle had a few workers who were into street racing, and they taught me. Once I was old enough, they trained me on the track to make money. I've been doing it since I was 15,"

"Fifteen?" Seolhee's eyes widened. "You've been doing this for three years?"

"I've been doing the racing for three years," Chan corrected her. "I've been fixing cars since I was eleven,"

"That's amazing," Seolhee beamed. "And it's such a useful skill to have too! Your uncle must be so proud of you!"

The small smile that had appeared on Chan's face faded almost as quickly as it had came. "My uncle died three years ago, he only ever saw my first race,"

A sinking feeling made its way into Seolhee's stomach. She shouldn't have made that comment.

"I'm so sor- "

"Don't be," Chan cut her off. "It's not like you caused him to die or anything. Heart attack which was then followed by a sudden cardiac arrest," The boy laughed but there was no humour in his tone. "Yeah, Uncle was a good mechanic, but he did have an alcohol problem,"

Seolhee didn't know what to say. She hadn't expected their conversation to go so deep. 

"Shit, I shouldn't be making you feel uncomfortable," Chan ran a hand through his already messy blond locks, one hand still on the wheel. "My bad,"

"It's okay, I don't mind listening," Seolhee paused. "My auntie used to have an alcohol problem,"


"Yeah, it was pretty bad," Memories of a woman sobbing uncontrollably, clutching a bottle of wine drifted into her mind. "It didn't help that our family was constantly in the press, and so she was forced to go to rehab and sort herself out. She got better, but our family never treated her well,"

"Were they embarrassed of her?" Chan asked curiously, glancing at the girl next to him, who nodded.

"My parents had just been passed the reins to the company and they were afraid that Auntie would ruin it for them, the idea that she could potentially destroy their careers was threatening to them," Seolhee gave a sad smile. "My sister and I talk to her, but our parents aren't really that bothered,"

"Sounds like your family is just as messed up as mine," Chan offered, earning himself laughter from the Park girl, and he had to admit, the sound of her laugh was hypnotising.

They had finally rolled up to Seolhee's house, the headlights dimmed in front of the rather eloquent residence.

"Thank you for the ride home," Her smile was soft, kind. "And thank for listening to me rambling on,"

Chan stared at her, the girl that everyone referred to as The Princess. The girl who was known for her beauty, her kindness and intellect. Who would've known that she had issues like everyone else?



chan and jisung are literally the same. 

not only do they drive their girls in their race cars, but they become whipped for them within seconds of seeing them.

how are you enjoying the book so far? i hope you guys like it!

lots of love


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