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"And I told Changbin, Seungmin and Jisung that there is absolutely no chance of them coming," Minho continued to ramble on to Chan, but the blond's focus had been diverted elsewhere.

He couldn't take his eyes off the girl who was now sitting on a bench alongside her best friend, banana milk in her hands.

"Are you even listening to me?" Minho scowled. "Hello?" He snapped his finger in front of the older boy who blinked before turning to his best friend.

"Sorry, I was- "

"Distracted, yeah, I noticed," Minho's gaze fell onto where Chan's eye had been the whole time. "I get that you like her, and I'm willing to talk about it, but you need to pay attention to what I'm saying, it's serious,"

Chan frowned. Minho had never been the type to get serious. There was always a smirk on his face, always a snarky comment on his tongue, but his expression now was urgent.

"Changbin, Seungmin and Jisung want to come to the races, they wanna help," Minho lowered his voice. "I would have let them, but there's a rumour going round, and I don't want them to be a part of it,"

"What rumour?"

Minho stepped closer to Chan, whispering in his ear. "They say the cops are coming to the next race,"

A sense of dread filled the boy's form, and his hands curled into fists. The cops had left them alone for a while, but this latest development was unusual. Nothing worth their concern had been happening, and Chan could not help but run through all of the previous races.

"Johnny, The8 and the others are on high alert, they're sorting out the garage today, checking documents and stuff, so if they do come calling..."

"We can prove we're legal,"

Chan and Minho exchanged glances. The track was their life, the one thing that had provided them with a sense of security, joy in life. The smell of petrol and diesel mixing on the aspahlt was everything to them, and they would not let a bunch of cops ruin that.

They knew Johnny, The8 and the others felt the same way too. 

The group had become like a family after Chan's uncle had passed, vowing to take care of the blond, to teach him to become the best racer they ever knew.

"Which reminds me," Minho looked at Seolhee and Jina who'd gotten up now, deciding to return to class. "Tell the girls not to come to your next race, it's not safe, and I don't want them getting arrested. I'm pretty sure you don't want that either,"

"Why should I- "

"You're the one who wants to get closer to Seolhee?" Minho was grinning as he walked off. "Think of it as an opportunity to talk to her,"


"Wait, so this is a vector?" Cha Nari squinted at her maths paper, the graph in front of her making no sense whatsoever.

"Yes, and you got it wrong because you should've calculated it like this," Seolhee explained patiently, scribbling something on the paper for Nari to look at. 

"Nope, I still don't get it," Nari shook her head. "But thank you for trying to teach me, Seolhee, you'd make an excellent teacher,"

The girl bounded away, leaving Seolhee and Jina to look over their maths exam scores. The Park girl could not afford to drop her grades, not if she wanted to get into the best medical school in Korea, and her parents would be extremely disappointed too. She had grown up in a family that was ambitious, and she did not want to fail them.

"I hate maths," Jina groaned. "How much more of these stupid tests?"

Seolhee chuckled but before she could give an answer, a shadow loomed over her and when she turned around, she faced a certain blond racer.

"Hey Chan," Jina sat up, her cat eyes watching eagerly. "How's it going?"

"Not bad. Seolhee, can I talk to you, actually, can I talk to both of you?" He exited the classroom, not wanting to be in front of so many other students and the girls followed him, curious.

"Is something wrong?" Seolhee asked.

"No, yes. Well," Chan ran a hand through his hair and the Park girl couldn't help but notice that he did that a lot. "Look, just don't come to the next race, alright,"

"What?" Jina raised her eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Just don't, okay," He muttered something incoherent before returning to the classroom, leaving the best friends dumbfounded.

"I don't know about you," Seolhee muttered. "But I think we should go to that next race, when is it?"

"It alternates so next Friday," Jina grinned. "Breaking more rules now are we?"

Seolhee smiled shyly. "It's fun,"

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