Namjoon & Rapline: flu

Start from the beginning

"One, two -, three to the four! Oh huh why isn't it stopping" Hoseok pouted when the elevator passed the fourth floor. Yoongi and Namjoon couldn't hold back their laughter anymore, making the sunshine member pout even more

"Oh Hobi, we're on the tenth floor, remember?" Yoongi chuckled

"Whooaaa yeaah" the dancer nodded and it was exactly that moment when sleepy Hoseok decided to show up as he let himself lean heavily against Namjoon.

"No I'm not going to carry you. You made me drink a lot because of your stupid drinking rule" the youngest rapper grabbed one of Hoseok's arms instead and draped it over his shoulders to prevent him from falling asleep on the ground "Maybe Yoongi is kind enough to carry you though"

"Like I could" Yoongi huffed as he took Hoseok's other arm and draped it over his shoulder as well. When the elevator had arrived the tenth floor, the boys clumsily reached their apartment door and walked inside after some troubles with the keys.

"Let's get him in the shared bedroom. I will stay with him tonight. You can take the single room" Yoongi said as they guided a barely awake Hoseok through the hallway. When they reached the bed, they carefully placed Hoseok on top of it before taking of his shoes and tucking him under the covers.

"Are you sure hyung? I don't mind sharing the room with him. It is kind of my fault that he is this drunk anyways"

"Yeah I'm sure. Now go and make sure to drink at last two glasses of water before going to bed!" the oldest gently but firmly pushed Namjoon towards the door and wished him good night before going to bed himself as well.


The next morning one of the three rappers woke up feeling like shit, and it wasn't Hoseok. Namjoon groaned when a small ray of sunshine peaked in between the two closed curtains of his bedroom when the sun was starting to rise in the early morning. He wanted to moan again, but then something got stuck in this throat causing him to cough a few times until he managed to clear his airways.

The coughing made sure that Namjoon was wide awake now, but that wasn't shown from the outside, The boy was still lying on his side, legs curled up against his chest as if he was a sleeping like a cat and he would have drawn the blankets completely over his head if it wasn't for his blocked nose and throat. Since when did he catch a cold? And as if his body was trying to respond to that unspoken question, another coughing fit took over his body.

"Hmmmpppf" the rapper moaned when he tried to sit up and drink the glass of water that he always prepared before going to bed. But another disappointed whine left his mouth when he grabbed the glass and found out it was empty. He must have drunk it before going to sleep and didn't bother to refill it again. Namjoon sighed tiredly. His throat was aching, stuffed and really dry, so drinking water sounded like heaven, but his whole body felt heavy and made out of lead. And on top of that was a pounding headache, that only got worse sitting up and the sun was still shining annoying directly in his eyes.

Namjoon tried to get his legs to cooperate, but his whole body was protesting at this moment when his vision went blurry. So the rapper accepted his defeat, put the empty glass back on the nightstand and wiggled back under the warm covers. He deliberately turned his back to the window and tried to cover his eyes with his pillow instead so his mouth and nose were able to get some fresh air.

"Did I really drink that much?"

"I was fine yesterday, what did we do?"

"This is the worst hangover I ever had in my life"

Instead of sleeping, the boy's head was talking nonstop to himself but at the same time it was also a bit foggy and drilling with the pounding headache. But one thing was sure: he made a promise to himself to never drink anymore, because he never wanted to feel like this ever again.

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