Taehyung & Yoongi: pneumonia and fight

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Taehyung felt like shit when he woke up. Last night he had gone to bed after a successful concert, leaving his throat a little rough due to screaming too much. At least that was what he thought, but right now he wasn't sure anymore since his throat wasn't the only part of his body that was hurting. His chest felt heavy and constricted, his head was pounding against his skull and his joints were aching and stiff as if he aged 50 years.

He groaned and turned around so he could grab his mobile phone from the nightstand. 11:47am. 'Oh shit, Seokjin will be mad' he shot up when he noticed the time, but the movement made him so dizzy that he almost collapsed on the floor. But thankfully he managed to turn around so he fell back on his bed. His chest was getting tighter and eventually a long and strong coughing fit took control of his body. After a few minutes he was finally done but also drenched in sweat and completely exhausted. He let himself rest for a few more minutes before he made another attempt to get out of bed.

Thankfully the slower approach did the trick and he managed to get to the bathroom without falling over. He had to rest on the closed toilet seat again before he could continue. The steam of the hot shower made his joints relaxed, but it also triggered another coughing fit.

"Tae you ok?" he heard Jimin's concerned voice from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he thanked himself that the coughs had stopped in time to answer his soulmate. "I'm almost done" he even added.

"Hoseok-hyung is going to order in, do you want some?"

"Yes that's okay" he replied. Years of living together had his advantages, like he didn't need to tell the other maknae what he would like to eat since the boy already knew his preferences.

"Okay I will let him know" Jimin said and the boy in the shower heard him leaving the room again. Just when he heard the door close, his coughs came back. However, this time the coughing didn't seemed to end, leaving Taehyung gasping for air and too dizzy keep standing on his feet. He let himself lean against the wall and slump down till his butt had reached the ground. 'Maybe I should get some help' he managed to think even though it felt like his head was filled with nothing more than water.

"Jimin" he called weakly. His voice was muffled since the shower was still running at full force. The boy used all his strength lift himself a few inches and turned off the shower eventually. He collapsed back on the ground and coughed a few more times. "Jimin" he tried again.

He waited for a few minutes, but it was clear that nobody could hear him. His hands grabbed the shower tap rather as tight as possible and pulled himself to his feet. Black spots entered his vision causing him to sway. He blinked rapidly a few times and sighed relieved when he saw the spots disappear again. Slowly he walked out of the bathroom and let himself fall back on the bed, not bothering to dry himself first with a towel.

10 minutes later he was startled when his mobile phone pinged. He looked at the screen and read the message of Hoseok saying that the food would be delivered in half an hour. The boy sighed and decided to get dressed, knowing it would take more time than usual. And indeed it almost took another 10 minutes for him to be finished and another 5 minutes before he found the strength to walk towards the living room.

He was panting when he finally reached his destination and his eyes could only look at the comfortable couch. His body was begging for him to stop walking since every part of him hurt. Taehyung saw that Yoongi was seated on the left side, so he had to walked over the other side. He almost fell when his feet was stuck on something he couldn't see.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Yoongi yelled angrily at the stumbling boy. "Watch were you're walking next time!"

It turned out that Taehyung had tripped over the charger of Yoongi's laptop, causing the device to nearly fall from the rapper's lap from where he was seated on the couch.

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