Benjamin rolled his eyes and sighed. He was tired of hearing about the Royal Family and their endless dramas. He wished the news would focus on more important issues, like climate change or poverty. But he supposed that was wishful thinking. The Royals were a national obsession, and it seemed like everyone was always eager to hear the latest gossip about them. He switched off the TV and picked up a book, hoping to find some escape from the endless chatter about the monarchy.

It's true that Benjamin was in favour of the Royal family, but he didn't need to hear about what was going on with them twenty-four seven. There were three types of people in this continent. There were those who hated the royals, like his parents and the Human Liberation Army. Those who worshipped them, like the majority of the continent, especially the mutants, and there were those who simply supported their reign, like Benjamin.


The next day at work was much like the previous one. The only difference was that people were much more excited, because of the news that people from the Royal palace was coming to the restaurant to recruit new workers.

Because of that, Jerry's restaurant was very busy, because people wanted to stick around to get a glimpse of the people from the palace, even if it was not the Royal family. That also meant that Benjamin had twice the amount of tables to serve than he usually did.

"Hi, good afternoon, may I take your order?" Benjamin asked a woman sitting at a table.

She looked up from her phone. "Oh, I'm not here to order, I'm here to see the people from the palace." She said with a cheeky smile.

Benjamin sighed. 'I seriously don't get paid enough for this shit.' He thought to himself. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't be occupying a table if you're not going to place an order. There are actual customers that have been waiting outside for almost an hour to get a seat."

The woman gave Benjamin a look as if to say:

'Who the fuck do you think you are.'

"Excuse me human, but I don't appreciate you telling me what to do. This is a free country, and I will do as I please. And I will especially not take orders from a human." She said sternly.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. He seriously didn't have time for that kind of drama. He didn't care that the woman was a mutant, and had enough strength to rip his head off of his neck with very little effort. He was going to stand his ground.

"Okay then, how about you go practice your freedom somewhere outside and not in a private business place."

The woman sized Benjamin up and down. "They invade our space, and now they want to tell us what to do? Be careful of your next words human, because you're one move away from being snapped in half." She said in a threatening tone.

Benjamin sighed, he knew that the woman was totally capable of doing what she was saying, after all, she's a mutant. "You know what, I'm just going to report you to my boss."
Benjamin said walking away from the table.

"That is a really good idea. I would love to speak to him to have your ass fired." She chimed in.

Benjamin shrugged and walked in the direction of Jerry. "Jerry, there's a woman at table six who is refusing to pay and stealing condiments." Benjamin said loud enough for the woman to hear.

"What!" Jerry screached.


The day continued with the restaurant being very much over crowded, so that people would get a glimpse of whoever was coming from the Royal palace.

Benjamin was nervous. If he got the chance to work at the palace, he would definitely take it, because it meant more money, which could get him out of his parents house.

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