Chapter 16

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Date: March 16th 2023
Time: 13:47
Place: Black Manor

POV: Draco

It's been years since the war and me and Harry are now 33. Everyone I know I think has trauma because of the war. Harry is a Auror and I'm a healer at St Mongos. We have pretty simple life. I'm expecting a child soon though and the press has finally stop bothering us and Ginny stopped being a- *insert bad word* to me and Harry. She's married to Luna and Ron and Blaise are travelling the world. Pansy is a CEO of her own beauty company, and Granger? She's been exiled from the wizard world... that's a story I'm never going into. Me and Harry got married in December and Ronald finally stopped trying to kill Harry.


This this it.

Bye, wish me and Harry good luck in the future and I wish you a good day or night.





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