Chapter 8

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Date: September 1st 1991
Time: 7:07
Place: Great Hall

Dumbledore POV

This can't be happening, he's supposed to be in Gryffindor! Not in Slytherin. The hat must of made a mistake. Yeah... that's what's wrong... I'll just make the hat go again he can't be in Slytherin... he just can't...

Harry POV

Wow, I'm shocked, I'm not sad but I'm not happy at the same time. What do you call that?

Anyways, I was about to move when the headmaster Dumbledore shouted and said "There must be a mistake, Mr Potter please sit back down and the hat will go again." I was confused what is so bad about Slytherin? And as if Draco read my mind shouted from the Ravenclaw table "Professor, what is so bad about Slytherin? Just because they are known to be Sly and wear green and silver doesn't make them evil, I think you just want the hat to pick Gryffindor because he's the saviour and that he needs to be on Gryffindor because well... you think all Slytherins are EVIL! But that's false, you can't judge a book by its cover." After he said that he took a deep breath and said "Harry Potter is in Slytherin and that is that." He then sat back down leaving everyone speechless except the Slytherins who all cheered and smiled like as if someone finally realised that not all Slytherins are bad.

I was about to get off when the curly haired girl from early. What was her name again? Hannah Grudger? I don't know and I don't care, she stood up from the Gryffindor table all smart and fancy like she owns everything and cleared her throat and said "I agree with professor, Harry should be on Gryffindor because he is the saviour he defeated He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named when he was ONE years old, ONE, Slytherins are all EVIL! They don't deserve the famous Harry Potter in their house. Actually, they shouldn't exist at all." When she said that Dumbledore just smiled, SMILED! Like he agreed with her! I was about to talk when Ron stood up like he was about to say something and he did.

"That is absolute bull-crap! Just because he killed a wizard-" he was cut off by curly hair girl, "The most EVIL wizard in the whole of the wizarding world, actually," Ron just rolled his eyes and continued what he was saying "doesn't mean he has to be in Gryffindor it's just a house! It doesn't make us, us, so just shut up and let him sit down so we can have some food cause some people are hungry." Are they done now cause I'm also hungry and this stool is very uncomfortable. I didn't even care if Dumbledore had anything else to say cause I'm hungry and this stool is about to break.

I stood up and made my way to the Slytherin table and when I did food magically appeared and we all started to eat.

After Breakfast
Time: 7:39

We all got told to fall are heads to are common room, I've met some people while I was at the table who are:
-Blaise Zabini
-Pansy Parkinson
-Theo Nott

We're just friends not close but friends Ron and Draco are for sure my friends Ron's my best friend tho. We made it to the Dungeons where are common room is. We got settled down and surprisingly we all get separate dorm rooms and everyone else is paired with 3 other people. As I got everything sorted I heard a knock on the dungeon door, Pansy opened and then said.

"Who are you..?"




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