Chapter 7

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Date: September 1st 1991
Time: 7:06
Place: Great Hall

Draco POV

"Harry, Potter" was all I heard before gasps filled the hall, everyone just stared at Harry. It was pretty weird. I feel sorry for him he has to deal with everyone staring at him. Cause he is the Golden Boy, Boy who Lived, The Famous Harry Potter, The boy who deafened He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and a lot more than I can count (witch is A LOT, not to brag.) He went up to a stand and sat on the stool that was literally on its last legs.

Anyways, the hat began to speak to Harry out loud instead of in his head. It said"Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either... I see potential! You may be kind but you will hurt anyone who hurts your friends...not Hufflepuff... you have brains but not enough to make the blue house...not Ravenclaw... I'm tied between the Snakes of Slytherin and the lions of Gryffindor. Hmm, I see...





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