Chapter 15

837 15 3

Date: March 16th 1998
Time: 13:47
Place: RoR

Draco POV

Why is she here? Why isn't she with father or mother? She still can't be trying to make Harry fall in love with her right? I hope not..

"Harry! I'm sooooo glad you're safe!" She squealed
Did I forget her voice was annoying? No, no one could forget her annoying voice.

"Hey Ginny.." Harry sighed.

"Where were you? I looked alll over the castle for you!" Ginny said pushing me off my seat to sit next to Harry.

Harry got off his seat and walked up to me lifting me off of the floor and placing me on his lap in his chair. I sensed Ginny was getting jealous. How? When she's jealous she would sigh and then scoff.

"So, where were you?" Ginny again said.

Harry stayed quiet not wanting to answer her questions knowing she would ask more if he answered.

"We were in the Slytherin common room! We had to think of a plan to defeat the dark lord." Ron budged in saving me and Harry from answering.

Ginny sighed and left the table we were sitting at and walked into the crowd of people. I sigh and looked at Blaise and asked.

"What's the plan Z?"

Blaise smiled that he could finally say something.
"Well, we have destroyed all of the objects except two. The snake and..." Blaise was silent looking at me sadly.

"What is it?" Me, Ron and Harry asked at the same time.

Blaise sighed and looked up again taking a big sigh and looked at me with his dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Harry is the seventh Horcrux..."




Draco WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now