"That's dinner." Flora beamed happily and we all exchanged glances at Flora's obliviousness and how she wasn't making it any better.

"That's not how to cook." The chef blunted as he eyed our cooking with a look of obvious disgust.

Musa rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was acting at our last-minute cooking. "It can't be that hard."

"You have to show love to your food. You can't neglect it, you must put passion in your cooking." The chef rambled on about his passion as his eyes lit up and it was amusing how the situation changed. First, he was yelling at us and next, he was instructing us how to flip our omelettes. I flipped the omelette in the air and smoothly caught it in my pan but I think Bloom was a little too excited when she flipped the omelette so high that it got stuck to the ceiling fan.

"Oi! Not that much passion." The chef scolded and my lips curled up in a small smile and I had to stifle my laughter but the moment Musa and I exchanged glances we burst into fits of laughter.

Bloom smiled nervously, not wanting to meet the chef's wrath. "I guess I'll get a ladder."

"Don't worry I got it." Flora assured and went to flick the switch but instead of switching it off, the fan continued spinning more rapidly than it already did, making the situation way worse than it already was.

"Go little omelette spinning like a DJ, like it's your birthday like you got the biggest fan, gonna serve you a ham." Musa rapped from beside me and I couldn't help it, a laugh bubbled in my throat as a ripple of amusement went through the room while watching the omelette that was stuck onto the fan spinning around vigorously.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" The chef shouted, showing how enraged he was and we all winced at the loud raise of his voice. "I see you need instruction in singing as well." He continued to complain when Flora finally managed to switch off the fan although the omelet went flying and hit the chef's face.


"Normally I would've found this funny but since I'm the one with the omelette on my face it isn't." He wiped the omelette off his face, revealing a hostile glare as he already started stalking off but this time I wasn't afraid of what people thought of me or if I would get detention or not, this time I found amusement in this and it was so refreshing how lively it was. "Now wrap the project up, you might want to be done by the time the headmistress shows up."

"Flip-weeds are almost done." Flora announced when the timer kept beeping repeatedly indicating that the flip-weeds were ready.

The door opened and Stella burst in, her eyes crinkled and a dimpled smile was on her face showing obvious signs of happiness and excitement. "So what's the stitch in the kitch girls?"

"You know Stella the term 'fashionably late' can only be applied to social engagements." Tecna grumbled in obvious annoyance by Stella's lack of help.

Stella beamed, her bright smile not faltering the slightest. "Yeah I know and I totally said that I'd help but you just have to let me play a good excuse card today."

"Oh? So what's the excuse?" I asked her as my hands rested on my hips, raising an eyebrow at her and she quickly ran to my side and intertwined her hands with mine.

"I just received a last-minute invitation." Stella squealed happily and I felt my breath catch in my throat at the look on her face. Her eyes twinkled with happiness, the same happiness I was so used to seeing when her parents weren't divorced. The same happiness the moment Radius, Luna, Stella and I would go out on a picnic under the sun and the deep green hills, surrounded by nothing but daffodils as a family.

Maybe that's why they are my favourite flowers.

They represent trust yet they also represent how happy I was.

Born to Die (Winx Club x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now