Promotions and development

Start from the beginning

''Daemon is strong. He holds greater potential than his father however, the prince lacks the cunning or political mind that his father holds. He's more of a warrior and not a statesman.'' the Grand General said as he looked at Daemon and his party ready themselves to leave for the east. ''Still, there's always us and prince Daemon is not one who is easily manipulated.''

''Indeed you are right, Grand General.'' Rhaella agreed with 57 year old military leader who was the highest ranking army commander. ''Daemon is accompanied by Daena, his servant Pakura, over 80,000 of Magog's best troops and a fleet consisting of a dreadnought, two carriers, four cruisers, six destroyers and numerous frigates and corvettes. Let's hope the fates smile down on us, Grand General, for we are betting 20% of our success on this. How goes the preparations?''

''For Operation: Abyssal Rise? Going smoothly.'' the Grand General replied. ''Logisticians have made the necessary calculations, underground tunnels built with trains, secret allies in place and so much more. Grand Admiral Syn has given his report and so did Sky Marshal Galland has also given his report. In two months time, Magog's armies, fleets and fighters will eradicate all resistance on this continent and more.''

''Now, wouldn't that be a beautiful sight, General?'' Rhaella asked. ''The descendants of the great king Enoch once more ruling the world. Then, after subjugating the continents of Satharyo and Northumbria, we move onto the Elemental Nations and the Land of the Dawn. After that, we conquer the stars as our great ancestor commanded us to.''

      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

''Tell me, Minato.'' said Jiraiya the toad sage. ''Is Naruto Uchiha, your son?''

''How did you find out?'' Minato asked.

''I was thinking about the prophecy and then how much similar you and Naruto were. I was a bit skeptical but now, I know.'' Jiraiya then turned his face towards his prized pupil. ''He is the dragon mentioned in the prophecy. He fits everything the toad sage said. I did my research on the boy and I have to ask, why didn't you help him?''

''I tried! I really did, okay!?'' Minato instantly got defensive when asked that. ''Kushina, she... she was always jealous of Kiyomi. She tried to kill Naruto but the Uchiha clan protected him. Then the clan did not allow me to adopt Naruto. I tried everything I could but the law demanded I respect the clan's wishes. I... I really tried everything, sensei.''

''I... understand, Minato.'' Jiraiya said in a low tone. ''I can't really blame you on that. But now, we know Naruto is the child of the prophecy. He will be the one to tear this system down and make a new one, leaving destruction in his path. Thousands, if not maybe even millions will be subjected to tyranny.''

''No!'' roared Minato. ''I refuse to believe Naruto will become that. We still have time, sensei. We still have time to set things right. There's still some time. We can fix this. Maybe... maybe we can change it, sensei. Prevent the prophecy.''

''I don't know Minato but if that's what you believe then I'll support you. Besides, I've done some pretty hard things others mind find to be impossible before so no worries.'' Jiraiya said cheerfully. 'Like making the defense seals of Uzushio weaker to allow enemies to come in with Kushina's help.'

''Excellent, sensei. We can promote the genins to chunins to fill in the ranks. Then, I'm sending you to search for Tsunade.''

''Tsunade? Would she even want to come back here, Minato? After all the anaconda strain thing years ago.''

''She has to. She can help the injured recover faster.'' Minato said and took out a brush and ink to write his orders on paper. ''However, Orochimaru may go to her in hopes of curing his arms. If Tsunade allies herself with him, kill her.''

Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emperor (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now