Chapter - 22

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To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

Shreya's POV :

It's been a month after I joined in this school. Everything is going good. Good atmosphere, good study and good friends.

Yes! Friends. Arjun, Varun and Darun are our good friends now. I don't talk to them like a long time friends, but yeah I talk to them when it's necessary.

But Keerthi and the boys are behaving like they are besties from birth. It irked me sometimes.

I know Keerthi from childhood, but sometimes she ignore me when we are with the boys. How can she do that? We are childhood sweethearts right? Such a traitor.

Leave that but I love their company. They always used to have fun. I never smiled this much in my whole life.

Two days back only we completed our monthly exam. Result will come soon.

Ohh yeah, I forgot. Right now we are in auditorium to practice music.

" Sara are you ready?" asked Darun nth time.

" Wait music isn't a joke, I have to choose good song in order to rock the show" she said lifting he collar.

" You are telling the same dialog for the past 20 minutes" he sighed.

" Yeah, I'm ready" she said.

" Ok, guys are you ready?" he asked us. We all said yes!

" okay start" we started playing our instruments. It's time to Sara start her singing but she is in some wonderland.

" Stop" shouted Darun.

" Sara are you in Switzerland? How is the weather there?" he said sarcastically.

" What?" she asked in irritating tone.

" You are missing the notes. Concentrate" he said sternly.

" Okok, I was thinking something. This time I'll rock" she said confidently.

" How the training is going, guys?" asked Vinay sir coming there suddenly. He is only left to irritate me.

" Good sir" said Sara.

" Ok, start your rehearsal. I'll also listen your performance" he said lookind at her.

" Ok sir sure. You are gonna like it" she said grinning.

" Okay guys. Come on start the instruments" she said like she is the one leading our team. Darun huffed.

We again started the range, this time she picked up her tempo at correct place but she is missing the rhythm completely.

It's like music is going one side and her singing is in opposite side. What a singing? Note the sarcasm.

" Stop it girl" Darun shouted with his high pitch tone. We all flinched at his tone.

" Why are screaming Darun? Watch your tone. Others will get distraction" said Vinay sir. Huh! Does he know anything about music?

" Then what sir? She is singing like someone is dead here. Can't you sing in rhythm? You are spoiling the song" he said in a angry tone.

" I'm singing this song for the first time that's why?" she said sheepishly.

" The choose another song" he said.

She chose another song but same problem. Darun is flaring fire through his nose. Funny guy!

" You are not going to sing in my team. You can sing in chorus, not as a main singer" he said in a stern tone.

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