Chapter 12: Threat

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"What's taking them so long." Wendy cranes her neck in attempts to peer through the window at the second floor.

It's been a few minutes since their two friends crashed through in an abandoned building and their breath stopped the moment when Irene's mother popped out the window shortly to see the noises was all about. Barging inside the abandoned house were already in their mind to check if Taehyung and Seulgi were alright if it wasn't for the door that was locked; as they should've expected.

"Beats me, I hope they're okay." Jackson mumbles, guarding the gate behind the pillar to see if someone could see them.

Tiffany from the opposite side of Jackson leans on the wall, glancing at the front door. "Jack try opening it again."

Jackson opened his mouth to protest but he closed it again. Slouching in submission, he made his way towards the door reaching out for the knob. He stops momentarily, hearing indistinct noises at the other side of the door barrelling closer. Jackson quickly jumps out of the way when Seulgi flies out violently from the opened door.

Seulgi grunts painfully, crawling to sit up with a hand on her shoulder she fell on to. She gaze up the front porch, watching Taehyung marching towards her with heavy footsteps.

"Where are they?!" Taehyung jams his foot firmly on Seulgi's neck, pushing her back down.



Jackson shuffles to the two, grabbing Taehyung by his wrist and drag him backwards. Wendy and Tiffany quickly aided Seulgi at her sides, pulling her to sit up and check her conditions while Jackson struggles to hold Taehyung back.

"Taehyung stop!" Jackson yells, arms now around his friends hips, almost lifting Taehyung off his feet just to prevent him from advancing.

Taehyung's hands keeps pushing Jackson's arms off him. "She knows! Seulgi knows where Irene is and made us look stupid to believe that she doesn't!"

"Why would I tell you?! Look at yourself!" Seulgi screams at him indignantly. "You're much more crazier than Irene!"

"Stop it, both of you!" Tiffany screeches, silencing everyone.

They stop and look at her, bewildered at the sound of how powerful the voice were coming from the silent soft spoken girl. Certainly they weren't the only ones who heard her when they hear barks of dogs echoed in the neighborhood background. Tiffany's chest fall deeply, her breathing shallow of how much air she used just to overpower her friends bellows.

"We won't find Irene if this keeps up. Now settle the hell down." She frowns at Taehyung. "Assuming you have a plan since we have Seulgi here who knows where Irene is."

Seulgi silently stares at Tiffany, relived that she stepped up to handle the situation. She then shift her attention back to Taehyung, but before she knew it the world went blank.

"No! This is too much Taehyung, let her go!"

"Are you on our side or not?!"

"Oh we're picking sides now?"


Seulgi's eyes open, eye lids fluttering as though there were weights holding it down. Blurry figures stood infront of her like dark silhouettes swinging by her eyes. She squints, trying to clear her vision until she is able to form a clear view of her friends.

Wendy stands infront of Seulgi, with her back towards her. "This is crazy Taehyung! You're going crazy!"

Infront of her were Taehyung, Jackson, and Tiffany, each holding harmful weapons; just tools they could pick up in toolboxes. Tiffany holds a hammer, Jackson grips a screw driver with the tips glinting from the light above them while Taehyung has a woodsaw securely tucked under his arm while a thin metal saw on his other hand.

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