Chapter 4: The Note

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Tip 4: this is an important tip of all if you want to survive, trust your intuition, always.

Lisa's POV

The breeze grew cold as the atmosphere were dead silent, I stood outside with my friends gazing at the small cove where the crime happened, eyes emitting in despair. Irene was on my chest, covered by a thick duvet while my arms wrapped around her slim body. My attention was caught by a man dressed in a dark dress suit approaching our small still frightened- group. He stopped infront of me, one of his hand adjusting his necktie loosely while the other firmly holds a small notebook.

"Greetings, I'm detective Taeyang from Akademi Police Department," He introduced, opening his tickler. "I'm in charge of the crime of Ms. Jeon-"

"Crime?" I interrupted, totally confused. Feeling my girlfriend slightly grew tense in my arms, I tightened the hold of her, assuming that the news made her even more scared that she already was. "You're saying that Somi was murdered?"

Taeyang confidently nodded. "We have gathered enough evidence that there was a foul play, and our unit of pathologists concluded that the body was already hours dead before it was hanged."

Taehyung cautiously asks. "Have you found out who did this?"

"Unfortunately we haven't yet had any leads at the moment." The detective stated grimly. "We already conducted interviews on various people included in the event, along with you teens, and we found no one suspicious."

The tension grew more thicker from the new found information. Me and my friends were more terrified knowing that the killer is still out and might commit more crimes.

"Somi..." Jackson murmured, eyes tiredly staring at the building with Wendy in his arms sniffling.

"How could-...why.. " Seulgi began to whisper, but loud enough for all of us to hear. "Who did this.."

"What kind of a person would do this.." Tiffiny uttered, hugging her body in fright.

"A monster.." Taehyung spat in pure hatred, squinting his eyes at the builing in our view. "I'll make sure the murderer will pay for what they did."

"Now now, kids. Please leave it all to us police to do the job." The detective said. "For now stay out of trouble, we wouldn't want any high schoolers dead again." Without any other words he left.

Seulgi turned around, facing all of us. "What now?" She asked.

Looking at each others tired faces, I shrugged my shoulders. "We need to stick together...or just avoid being alone until the culprit is caught." I suggested. "For now let's just head back inside. I think the police are done."

"Tiffiny," I called, earning her attention. "You can spend the night with Wendy, if she's okay with it." Turning to the said girl.

Wendy nodded. "I would gladly like that, I don't have a roommate to start with."

By pairs, my friends begin to head inside the cove. I gazed down to my girlfriend, only to find her already staring at me. Lifting one of my arms, I caressed her cheeks with my finger with her being pulled in and snuggled at the palm of my hand.

"Are you alright, my love?" I ask in which she nodded sluggishly. Sighing I readjusted my arm on her shoulder. "Let's head back to our room, you need a rest." I stated guiding her back following my friends behind to the cove.


A week passed by since the death of Somi, me and my friends still walk in the halls by pairs, a lot of times for safety measurements in a whole group. I sometimes pass by Somi's locker, all decorated with fresh scented flowers, colored candles lit in her opened metal door with her picture in between them, but despite how it looks that she's loved, there's still something churning at the pit of my stomach knowing that the killer is still out.

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