Extra: Conner

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Conner knew that something didn't feel right. Trevor looked a little extra annoyed with that deep scowl on his face. No, he looked more like he was on edge.

The question is, why? Why was he on edge?

However Trevor looked as if he was tolerating Charlie who was sitting beside him with a goofy smile on his face, like he was enjoying some inside joke.

If Trevor was anywhere near his normal self, Conner was sure he would have made some witty remark or worse, punched a hole through that skull of his.

Also, was it just him or was Charlie really sitting a little too close to Trevor?

Yeah, something really didn't sit well.

He kept his eyes darting between Josh's book that was laid out in front of him and Trevor who was sitting just opposite him, as he pretended to be reading while he closely watched Trevor, who was acting really kind of weird.

For a moment, Conner saw Charlie penning something on Trevor's book. Trevor looked down at it and immediately looked away, covering half of his face with the palm of his hand that was propped up on the table. And was his face.... Red?!

The heck?!

A weird, confused expression made its way into Conner's face as he wondered what on God's Earth was going on.

He genuinely wondered if he got teleported into some weird parallel universe where crows flew upside down.

What if this was a universe where there is a Trevor who is a nerd, or a Jia who is a sweet heart? The very thought of it made him feel so disgusted that it made a chill run down his spine.

As the events of the day disturbed him deeply, he sat there, fiddling with his pencil with an expression of utter confusion on his face.

He felt almost as if the laws of the universe had been over written with something absurd.

Sure enough, Trevor had been acting a little weird lately. He no more pars with him frequently like used to, and what was more suspucious, he had started spending a little more time with Charlie. Something was going on between the two of them--that was something Conner was sure of. He just didn't know what.

As a train of thoughts ran back and forth in his mind, his pencil slipped off his fingers and fell to the floor, rolling under the table. Conner heaved a sigh and ducked under the table, in an attempt to reach out and get the pencil.

Eventually, he did. But as he lifted his head up just before he was about to pull his head from under the table, he noticed something for the first time. And it gave him a shock. A big one, that from the effect of it, he hit his head on the table with a shriek.

"Yo, hey what's the matter, Kon!?" Trevor immediately rose from his spot as Conner hurriedly sat straight up in his seat .

"Jeez, is something under here?!" Josh sounded terrified as he lifted his legs up, all ready to jump on to his seat if the situation called for it.

As everyone gazed at Conner with confused curiosity, he spoke with knotted eyebrows, uncertainty dripping off of his voice, "I... I saw a bug, heh" he forced a smile on to his face as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"You arse..." Trevor mumbled and plopped back on to his seat, heaving a sigh of relief. Though he might not show it, He really cared about his best friend's well-being.

Everyone eyed Conner suspiciously as he looked down at his book, staring into it wide eyed.


Conner was being unusually quiet on their walk back home. Josh noticed and asked him about it, but Conner just waved it off saying he was feeling unwell.

Conner waited until the other boys parted ways with them and it was just him with Trevor walking beside him.

Conner adjusted his baseball cap on his head for the umpteenth time as he thought of a way to confront Trevor about what was bothering him all this while.

"Something bothering your silly head, Conner?" Trevor asked as he eyed Conner from his side. Conner took a deep breathe.

"Yeah. Kind of" he mumbled, looking down at his feet.

"I figured. You were looking like you were about to bite all of your nails away" Trevor said flatly and continued walking ahead, with his eyes fixed on the road ahead of him.

"Earlier today..." Conner started, wondering if he was just about to get hit in the head by Trevor. He felt as if he was digging his own grave. Nevertheless, he decided to continue. "At school, while I was trying to get my pencil... I saw Charlie holding your hand under the table"

Trevor's eyebrows shot up momentarily. "Oh, so that was why you hit your head. Makes sense". He sounded unusually calm and Conner hated that tone.

He walked in front of the other boy and stood facing him with his arms crossed, blocking his way. "Yo, hey! Am I missing something here?!"

"A brain, I guess?" Trevor's face looked so exhausted. Conner said nothing, but glared right back at the other boy.

Trevor heaved a sigh. "Are you really that dumb, Conner? Can't you say?" He asked finally, given up.

Conner stood shell shocked for a moment as the new-found information sank in. His doubts have been verified.

They are together.

Conner gasped as his eyes went wide. Trevor just clicked his tongue and walked past him.

"So Charlie is gay?" He whisper-yelled as he took a little run towards Trevor and clung on to his shoulder.

"No, he is demi-sexual"

"Er.. What does that even mean?" Conner cocked his head to a side as he tried to figure out what Trevor meant.

"That he is only attracted to demi gods like me" Trevor passed a lopsided smirk and Conner made a fake gagging sound, only to be ignored by the other boy.

"Hmm.. Am I the first to know?" Conner squeaked out with over-flowing excitement radiating off of him as he hopped beside Trevor.

"Not really, Josh knows too" Trevor said and Conner's face dropped momentarily.

Trevor noticed and he gave Conner a side-eye.
"Someone's mad" he said in a sarcastic way and Conner punched him on his arm.

"But hey, I'm glad that you finally found someone who could actually tolerate your boring self" Conner grinned cheekily.

"Ha. Ha. Funny. Have you got any more such entertaining jokes up your sleeve, Conner?" Trevor made a scowling face.

Conner grinned even wider and in an instant, he jumped onto Trevor's back, earning a disapproving grunt from him. "Go donkey, go!Don't stop!" He commanded, pointing forward as he laughed heartily. Trevor just carried on walking with an annoyed face.

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