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"Josh is going to be so mad" Charlie said rather uninterested, his hands dug deep in his pants' pockets.

"And why is that so?" Trevor asked with a raised eyebrow.

Charlie sighed. Trevor sure wasn't listening to a word Josh or any of them said yesterday.

"He asked us to wait for him" Charlie shrugged.

"Oh, is he going to throw a tantrum? Mom's gonna be so mad!" Trevor said, faking a frightened expression, his back slouching like a shrimp and hands running down his face.

He straightened his back and clicked his tongue, earning a glare from Charlie.

"You're going to come over to my place tomorrow, aren't ya?" Charlie asked, kicking a stone from his feet as he walked.

"Er.. Why?" Trevor asked, turning his face to look at Charlie, with confusion written all over it.

No, he was not listening to anything Josh said at all...

"Don't you remember? Conner insisted on spending the weekend at my place" Charlie shrugged.

Trevor scrunched his nose up a bit. "I'd rather spend the weekend on my own"

"Tell that to Conner " Charlie mumbled, feeling a little disappointed.

"I will"

"You know what, you are the one who is being a party pooper right now"

"Using my own words against me, eh? Nice try" Trevor put an impressed look on his face.

"I would rather walk around by myself than with a party pooper" Charlie said, trying to pick at Trevor's ego.

Trevor scoffed. "Nobody asks you to stay around, nerd. Shoo!"

"I will walk away, Trevor. Like, for real" Charlie said in a threatening voice. He somehow felt as if Trevor would be intimidated by that.

Trevor just scowled at that and Charlie's expression turned into a frown.

"How can I convince you to do as I say?"

Trevor put on a thinking face and stroked his chin, as if he was giving it a thought.

"I'll agree to be there if there's booze"

Charlie choked in his own spit. "W-What?!"

Trevor just shrugged.

"I can't let you take something like... Alcohol into my house, Trev! Also, you are not supposed to drink!" Charlie exclaimed. He knew Trevor smoked almost like a god damn chain-smoker. But he was never suspicious of him having a drinking habit.

Trevor scoffed at what Charlie said. "No booze, no spending the weekend at your place" he said flatly, popping the bones of his fingers.

Charlie started having an internal battle with himself as he thought it over.

A voice in his head kept yelling at him that he shouldn't give in to Trevor's demand. But however, the voice died at the strong desire of his heart to somehow get Trevor to spend the weekend at his place.

"Alright, fine, whatever!" He yelled, trying to get the attention of Trevor, who had already walked a few steps ahead of him.

Trevor turned back with a raised eyebrow. "Uh?"

"Yeah, I can do that" Charlie said, shutting off the voice in his head that kept screaming otherwise.

Trevor's lips curled up into a smile. "Alright, then" he said. "Oh, and... I forgot to tell you, you were supposed to part ways with me like 10 minutes ago" he smirked.

Charlie's eyes widened a little as he noticedj his surroundings for the first time in almost an hour. It was almost near Trevor's home.

"Dude! Why didn't you tell me?!" He screeched.

"Aye, where's the fun in that?" Trevor's smirk grew wider as he saw the growing annoyance on Charlie's face.

"I hate you" Charlie mumbled out.

Trevor chuckled at that and he blew him a kiss.

Charlie felt awkward all of a sudden and he turned around briskly as he felt his ears getting warmer and heat rising to his face.

"G-good night. I gotta get home" he muttered out as he walked away, not even turning back once.

He knew he just made himself seem like a weirdo. But it was so much better than standing around there, blushing like a school girl.

That's when he realised something.

Trevor smiles even more when he is around him. Maybe he was being paranoid.

But he couldn't help but feel great at the thought of being one of the reason why Trevor smiles.

Ha, you are being paranoid, Charlie!

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