My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 6

Start from the beginning

I decided not to go to Kevin's party. It would be a complete waste if Drew wasn't there anyway. So I joined Penelope on her shopping endeavor instead. I'm not much of a shopaholic but this is for Charlie's sake. We had a deal; it's only fair if I hold up my end of the bargain.

Penny never stops walking from shop to shop, taking at least twenty minutes in each one. Although, I do think I have her routine down. It's buy a top at one store, buy a dress on the next, buy shoes on the other, and buy a bottom on the next. And then, the cycle starts over. I'm surprised she didn't go bankrupt with all the money she's spending. Seriously, where'd she get all that cash? I don't think she even has a job, so what the heck, right?

I spot the lovely purple dress again and thought, I wish I can afford to buy that.

After what felt like light decades, Pen finally - finally - got tired. It's nice to know that this girl's human. We both agreed to go grab something to drink. While we were at Starbucks drinking our frappés, I decided to bring up the "deal" and just man up already.

"Pen?" I ask doubtfully. I feel as if this convo is going to turn awkward real quick, real soon.

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

I roll my eyes at her overused reply and faux accent. "Are you still dating anyone?"

"Yes, Ryan Keith. I told you that a couple weeks ago, remember?" She stares at me like I'm stupid and I shrink back in my seat a little. A dark, venomous expression starts to form on her face, her ebony lenses reducing to wicked slits.

Oh, dear.

"It's just that-"

"Charlie?" she cuts me off as she rolls her eyes.


"Yeah, I was going t-"

"Please. That boy has been asking me out since first grade! Still is." Pen laughs with an undeniable sweetness. I assume that's her "I-am-secretly-evil" laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask, not really wanting to hear her answer. I think I probably know.

"Because you're predictable, sister," Penny answers, flipping her blonde locks over her shoulder.

Of course, I immediately protest, but she was on a roll and there was nothing I could do except listen.

"Eli, dear, I know you've got your eye on the new hottie," she pauses and examines her nails, " asked Charlie to help you. In return, he asked you to sweet talk me into going out with him."

My eyes expand into the size of giant marbles and my throat goes dry. "How did you...?"

"I'm devious, remember? You should know that by now," she says with a smirk and a wink.

"But, will you date him? Like for real?" I ask, taking one last chance.

"I won't date, I'll play."

Geez, for someone who I thought was a gullible brat, she's pretty damn scary. And coniving and scheme-y. Now, if I could just break her and Ryan up...then all would be right with the world.

In the back of my mind, my brain is cheering for the idea. But the louder voice in my head keeps whispering to me. Yes, it's whispering. but it's definitely the one making me deaf. "I know you won't do it," it murmurs repeatedly, like an annoying alarm clock. I shake it off. Afterall, this isn't a big deal. can you set two people up when you have mixed feelings with the guy you're trying to set up? I don't know, ask my freaking logic!

Once we arrive home, I clean myslef up and slip into my jammies. Then, I send a quick text to Cindy because I'm bored and desperate to have something to do to keep my mind off of Penny and her cruel intentions. As if I don't have enough stress on my plate already! I have a feeling she's going to severely damage Charlie. Not that I care. Okay, maybe I do, but only for a little bit. Before my internal argument could continue, my phone starts ringing.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now