FireStones - Ch. 2

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It was a few hours before the kids began to wake up.  By then, the sun had begun hiding behind the horizon, spilling red, pinks, and golds across the sky as she left. Maax and Lyra were back and our pod was reunited. A hearty dinner of roasted native root vegetables and squash and soft summer fruits was set out on our wooden table.  

Sheena and I went to wake the remaining ones. Groggily they trudged towards the table. Our four tents formed a circle around the table and fire pit. The fire Maax had started began to cast shadows on our four tents that surrounded us.  I didn't realize how hungry I was until I realized that I had finished my plate before anyone. Sheena smiled and filled up my plate again. I was ever so grateful for her. She was oldest of our group and the quietest.  Sometimes, even though I was literally an earth bender, I felt that she had a deeper connection to nature and the earth than I did. Her soft blue hair and eyes that matched the color of the sky and the sea, framed a round cheerful face.  

Lyra made a game of clearing the table while Sheena and Maax got the bath tent ready, while I talked the kids through our bedtime routine.  We were all completely covered in dust and I was so ready to get rid of the grime and grit that seemed to cover me completely--I could even feel it  in my ears.  

"Um, Klai, I forgot a towel." Worried green eyes looked up at me.  "I, I don't know what to do." Her little face was so concerned. 

I crouched down in front of her. "Well, Teer, it just so happens that you're in luck. We have the finest air bender in all the land right here.  Did you know she can dry you off without even looking at you!?" I opened my mouth as if in surprise. 

Teer's shoulders relaxed. "Really?" 

"Yes, and if that doesn't work, you have a water bender, who might not be the finest, but definitely can help." Sheena stood beside us now.  "Water's ready.  Want to go first my lady, Teer?"  

Teer nodded and relaxed into Sheena's embrace as they walked toward the bathing tent. Water benders were some of the most nurturing and peaceful people I knew, but Sheena had a sense about her that made every creature feel at ease.  I looked up and realized somewhat suddenly that it was dark already. 

The stars sparkled above me seemed strewn across the sky like glitter on gorgeous silk fabric.  Purple and blue hues of the Great Sky Galaxy melted together behind them.  I could stare at them for hours. They reminded me of home.  I absentmindedly touched my hair--split as well into the colors of the night sky.  Ironic, I thought, that an earth bender would have the colors of the sky in her hair. My thoughts turned back to home.  I swallowed a twinge of pain. I missed them. I knew I had disappointed and even hurt them when I had chosen to leave our tribe and head to join the collective. They were only a four hours away by bus, but I didn't get home nearly as much as I wanted. 

Just then, I felt a presence beside me. 

"Home?" Sheena stood there like a pillar, but somehow also like a soft pillow you could sink into. 

I nodded.  "I thought by now, I would be used to being away from them. It's been four years, but somehow it still hurts. I still feel like a part of me is... gone." 

I was suddenly engulfed in her warm arms. "It doesn't get easier. I don't think it's supposed to. But I know it can hurt.  I know... I doubt you'll be the only one homesick tonight here." She motioned to the small group singing silly songs and dancing with Maax and Lyra. 

"True. We had better make sure they at least go to bed clean." I pulled away from her as she squeezed my hand. 

We walked over to the group and began to make preparations in our tents for bed. We unrolled sleeping bags and let them discuss who would sleep in whose tent. Maax and Sheena got to distribute the 5 boys between themselves while Lyra and I let the girls choose between us.  Within a few hours, everyone was clean and tucked in their beds. It took a few tries and there were homesick tears, but eventually the camp was quiet.  Once the girls in my tent were asleep, I slipped into the bath tent.  Sheena had refilled the tub with clean water and Maax's coals were somehow still hot.  I sank into the hot water and closed my eyes. Kids were no joke. They were good kids, but wrangling ten of them by myself for most of the day had been... a lot. I could hear Maax playing his guitar and Lyra singing softly.  As much as I missed my family, my pod was irreplaceable.  

Exhausted, a few minutes later I dragged myself into my cot and lost consciousness. 

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