"If you want a little more, and don't mind paying a little extra, she will help you out in ways that always works wonders," the guy said.

"Thanks. I will be sure to keep that in mind," Peter said in a skeeved out tone as the guy walked away from him. Peter raised his hand to knock on the door, only to see it open and reveal Destiny standing there.

"Peter Rumancek, if you even consider asking me for one of my other services, I'm calling your mother and telling her to beat some sense into your head with a stick," Destiny said.

Peter shook his head at his cousin. "You have nothing to worry about. I have no intention of ask for your other services. I only have one service in mind that I would like to use. And that is the advice of a loving and caring cousin, who always says the right thing."

Destiny smiled at hearing that. "Now that is something that not only I can do for you, but give you the family discount of free of charge. So, tell me what it is that you need my wise words of advice on?"

"Well, I know that Lynda has been talking to you, keeping you up to date about my dreams, and the girl that always shows up in my dreams," Peter said.

"Yeah, I already know about all of those details. Why don't you just skip all of that and get to the good stuff already," Destiny said causing Peter to laugh while shaking his head at his cousin's enthusiasm.

"Well, it appears that the girl who kept showing up in my dreams, is real," Peter said.

Destiny jumped up and down excited at what she was hearing. "Please tell me that you met the girl from your dreams."

"I did. She was taking a run in the woods and appeared by the trailer," Peter began.

"Oh, this is exciting Peter. But where on earth is the girl from your dreams? Surely you wouldn't allow her to wander too far from your side," Destiny said while looking around for the girl that haunted Peter's dream.

"Unfortunately, Destiny I don't have her here with me right now. But I have met her," Peter said.

"Oh no, what happened," Destiny asked.

"Apparently she isn't available for me to claim as my own," Peter said.

"What do you mean? Does this girl have a name or are you going to keep me in the dark about who this girl that you are talking about," Destiny asked.

"Her name is Eclipse," Peter said causing Destiny's jaw to drop.

"Did you say Eclipse, as in the Eclipse who lives with the Godfrey family," Destiny asked.

"That would be the one," Peter said. "Anyway, I met her, and we were talking a bit out of the trailer. Lynda came out and asked me to go to town and grab a pizza for dinner, because she didn't feel like cooking, since we are in the process of unpacking the boxes in the trailer. So, I told Lynda that I would go to the town. She tried to convince Eclipse to stay at the trailer with her. But I told Lynda that I didn't mind bringing Eclipse along with me to go and pick up the pizza. I honestly didn't want to be away from Eclipse any longer than I had to be, you know?"

"I know. It's the wolf thing that the both of you share," Destiny said.

"Wait you know what Eclipse is," Peter asked.

"I know Eclipse. When I first met her, it was outside of the ice cream shop. We got to talking, and she had told me about her situation that she was in. Hearing all that she had to say about the things that living situation. She told me how all he would want to go for a run in the woods. And every time she would ask, the family would always lose their shit on her all the time that he would ask to go in the woods. She even said that the only way that she would ever get a chance to run in the woods, is if the boy who supposedly owns Eclipse. I heard the mother is an uptight bitch who is always acting like she is better than everyone else, only because the family owns a majority of the town," Destiny began saying. "I have tried going to Sheriff Sworn about the way that the family is treating Eclipse, but unfortunately there isn't anything that he can do to remove Eclipse from the home, because there are no signs of physical abuse on Eclipse. Unfortunately, Sheriff Sworn refuses to hear me out on what I believe that family is doing."

"What do you think the family is doing," Peter asked getting a sense that he may not like the answer that he was about to receive.

"I strongly believe that that horrible family is grooming Eclipse so that way she would be everything that the son could want in a woman," Destiny said having Peter think back to Eclipse saying the name of the guy who snapped on her for riding around in the passenger seat of the car that Peter was driving.

"Was his name Roman," Peter asked.

"Yeah, Roman Godfrey," Destiny said before suddenly stopping realizing that peter said Roman's name. "Wait, how in the hell do you know Roman Godfrey's name, if he's never introduced himself properly to you?"

"I heard Eclipse say his name when she apologized to him after he lost his shit on her," Peter explained.

"It's things like that that has me worry about Eclipse the longer that she is in the hands of the Godfrey family. If we don't get Eclipse out of that house, they are going to do so much damage that it will be hard to reverse t. That and if we don't remove Eclipse from the Godfrey house hold soon, they might become successful in creating the perfect girlfriend for Roman," Destiny said.

Peter growled at hearing that. "I know. I'm probably going to regret asking this, but did Roman sleep with her, or do anything to Eclipse that she didn't want him to do?"

"You mean did Roman sexually assault Eclipse," Destiny asked.

"Yeah," Peter said taking deep breaths to keep from losing his shit.

Destiny noticed Peter's rage was rising. Destiny knew that she had to do something to keep Peter from blowing his top. "Peter, calm yourself down before you destroy my apartment. If you do that, I'm making you pay for all the damages that you make."

"Alright. I'll try and keep better control over my rage. Can you at least tell me if he did anything inappropriate to Eclipse," Peter asked.

"As far as I know, from what Eclipse told me, Roman never sexually assaulted her. He hasn't slept with her, or forced her to sleep with him, but he tried to convince her to sleep with him, but when she denied him, he never force her into sleeping with him. But Eclipse did say that when the urge hit Roman, he would go and hire a sex worker to help take care of his urges. Which is a good thing. But Eclipse knows that he's only doing so, because he's trying to gain her trust that way she will sleep with him of her own accord," Destiny explained. 

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