"Nice to meet you Camila, I'm Taylor. It's a pleasure to have you here" Taylor spoke out looking directly at me

Her eyes made me squirm in my seat. Shawn's eyes were on me the whole time. I could read his every move.

"Thank you It's nice to meet you, " I said sheepishly

"Join us at the table," Taylor said motioning for me to move forward.

I glanced at Shawn and he shook his head.

"She's fine there, there's no room for here anyway," Shawn said dismissing Taylor

"There's always room" Taylor spoke out

"She's fine," he said sitting up in his seat.

He felt threatened.

"Come sit by me" Taylor spoke out

I stood up glancing at Shawn. This was going to cause issues tonight but if I didn't listen to her it would raise more flags. Making my way over to her she pulled up a chair next to her. I was able to take in her outfit. She was wearing sweatpants. She had a faded black t-shirt that fell off her shoulder and her hair was in a low messy bun.

"Thank you," I said sitting down next to her

"Of course" Taylor smiled

She went back into talking to them about her music and the message behind it, how she wanted her fans to be treated, and went into detail about the merch. Shawn was sending me death glares from across the table and I shivered. I had to steer clear of her if she was going to cause issues. By the end of the meeting, it was late and I let out a yawn. Taylor noticed it and stood up.

"Okay I'm kinda tired so let's call it a night, be back here at 10 am for the second meeting" Taylor spoke out.

I quickly stood up gathering all my things and went to get to Shawn's side but a hand shot out stopping me. I slowly turned around to see Taylor had my arm.

"Are you okay?" she asked glancing at Shawn

"Oh him, yeah I'll be good," I said going to leave again.

"Wait" Taylor rushed

I turned back to her waiting for her to continue.

"If anything is wrong you can come to me," Taylor said

I nodded and turned away from her making my way to Shawn.

"Babe I-"

"Shut up" he whispered

I closed my mouth and he grabbed my arm dragging me out of the room to the elevator. The ride up was quiet and he was livid.

We made our way back to the room and he opens the door for me. Walking in I heard the door shut behind me then my body slammed forwards. I all to the ground catching myself with my hands only for his shoe to meet my back pushing me down.

"Shawn I'm sorry, please I didn't know she was going to do that" I cried out

"You trying to make me look weak" Shawn seethed out

"Shawn baby no I'm not please I'm sorry" I cried out as his foot connected with my stomach.

I felt his hand hit my face and the sting came quickly after. Crying out I crumpled to the floor shielding my face.

"Stay down," Shawn said walking past me

I did what he said. He was upset and wasn't thinking clearly, he would be over it soon. My y tears dried on my face and my stomach pain went to a dull ache.

Nothing pain medicine couldn't fix. It had have to been an hour later I heard Shawn get up. His footsteps came closer and I flinched away.

"Baby I'm sorry" Shawn coped out

I knew he was nice now. He realized his actions were taken out on the wrong person

I glanced up to see him reaching for me. Letting him help me up he pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back

"I'm sorry babe," he said

"It's okay, it's okay" I begged

"Come on," Shawn said

He pulled me to the bed and I knew what was going to happen. Shawn stripped me of my clothing and kissed every inch of my body. This time it felt different, he didn't linger as long on my body. He wasn't gentle.

Shawn was an animal that night, I barely recognized him. He was fucking me for his pleasure only and could have cared less about mine.

It's because of stress I reminded myself. It's okay. Shawn finished up and rolled off of me curing into the sheets to sleep. I set the alarm and took a shower getting today's events off of my body. The bruise blossomed across my stomach.

Once I finished I made my way back to bed and closed my eyes for the night.

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