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Camila pov

I've heard of Taylor Swift a few times. Her music was good but nobody has been on my radar since I met Shawn. I haven't had the time to listen to music I loved before. I've been busy dealing with his shit.

I mean helping him.

I can be ungrateful at times.

Speaking of Shawn he's currently furious with me. I forgot to pack his lucky Nike blazers.


I was in for an earful the whole trip. Currently, we were on our way to a meeting with the openers, Taylor, and her management. Going over things we needed to know and stuff. I never paid attention to any of that because Shawn handled it. I was in charge of making sure he had water and food and someone to fuck at night. Maybe I should pay a little attention, knowing my luck he will need something and I wouldn't know where to go. I'm not even sure why he's opening for Taylor, he's not an upcoming g artist. He's well known.

"Camila how could you forget to pack them," Shawn said walking next to me.

The walk from the hotel room to the conference room was not far, they were in the same hotel so maybe five minutes.

"I know I'm sorry I messed up, I can go buy new ones?" I suggested

"Then they wouldn't be fucking lucky now would they" Shawn shook his head.

I had some job and I needed to get it right

"I'm sorry babe," I said pressing a kiss to his lips

"Let's just get through this," he said walking into the room.

I took a deep breath and followed him in. Everyone was mingling and I stood at Shawn's side. This was not my event, I wasn't going to act like it was. I slid my hand into his grasp and Shawn quickly shook my hand off crossing his arms. Ouch. He's probably focusing on the businessmen here. Don't take it personally.

"Everyone take your seats please" a voice called out

Shawn turned to me and pointed to a seat by the wall and handed me a notepad.

"Go sit there and take notes for me," Shawn said

I nodded then made my way over quickly getting the paper ready. Everyone sat at the oval table with water as snacks were passed out. The other "small artist " that Shawn referred to was Sabrina carpenter. Fucking small my ass. I laughed a little and wrote the date on the paper then crossed my legs. It was about thirty minutes in and it was the same dude speaking about security, which was honestly boring.

I wrote notes down about where Shawn wouldn't be safe and good places to go if anything happened.  The voice then changed so a woman and I instantly looked up at the beautiful voice. Finish its owner I realize it's Taylor Swift and I melt. She is gorgeous. Our eyes lock and she stops speaking.

"Who are you" Taylor speaks out

I glance around to make sure she's speaking to me. But before I can speak up Shawn cuts in.

"She's with me," he says leaning back in his chair

Taylor nodded but kept her eyes on me.

"What's your name," Taylor asked with a smile


"Her name is Karla" Shawn spoke

"Can she speak for herself please?" Taylor said glancing at Shawn

Shawn threw his hands up nodding then sent a warning glare to me. Shit. Taylor was going to get me in trouble. Looking back at her I swallowed.

"My name is Camila," I said glancing at Shawn.

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