It was George, he's eyes went more confused as ever, but he looked at where the white pawn was and he moved played a black pawn.

It was absolute silence, George was holding a book as he played, soon after some time, George was sitting across from Wilbur. Both really was too into cheese to even notice each other.

There was a few Snickers and a few quiet groans but it was nice playing cheese was someone. And Wilbur didn't expect it to be George. But in their game, Wilbur almost got George in checkmate, Wilbur grinned as he looked up at George. George just gave him a teasing smile back and outwitted him.

"Check." George said, it was the first word they've actually said.

Wilbur smiled faded away as his finger lied on his chin, he wondered, he played a move he thought was sure to win.

George played a piece fast, "checkmate." George smirked.

Wilbur's eyes widened but he wasn't really surprised, he looked up to George and saw him standing up. As Wilbur was about to say something he was interrupted by a soft yell, it was their Position teacher.

"Where the hell have you two been?! Do you know you've been here for 2 hours!" She said.

Wilbur and George didn't even realize that they've been playing for so long.

"Sorry Mrs-" "I don't want to hear it, you've been sitting here playing chess?? Good for playing something very smart like but gosh damnit, pick something that's less time consuming. You both have detention for missing my class. You know how hard the class is. I've expected more from both of you."

"What but Mrs!" George tried defending.

"I said I don't want to hear it." George and Wilbur sighed.

Their teacher left as they stood in silence.

George sighed and started to walk away. Wilbur quickly got his bag and walked away aswell.


"Hey George!" Quackity called out as George sat next him and Sapnap in the cafeteria.

"Where were you today? You weren't in positon class." Sapnap asked as he took a bite out of his apple.

"I was playing chess." George shrugged. "Where's Dream?"

"He's busy with Skeppy. But with who you were playing with?" Sapnap asked.

"Uh- well, that tall guy who wears that red beanie?" George answered forgetting Wilbur's name.

"Wait? Like Wilbur? Wilbur soot??"

"Yeah, that guy! Wilbur, he and I was playing chess together. He was really good but I beat him." George said smiling, he turned to his friends, their faces were full of shock.

"What-?" "Hey guys, what up with them George?" Karl asked as he drank some water.

"George, played chess with...with Wilbur soot." Sapnap said slowly.

Karl almost choked, having the same reaction as Sapnap and Quackity.

"What? What's the problem with him?" George asked.

"George, Dream hates Wilbur. Their enimes." Karl said.

"What? How could that be if they haven't even really met." George asked.

"Well Wilbur was the only guy who didn't like Dream being president. So Dream tried winning him over but it didn't work and Dream dislikes him for that." Sapnap explained.

"Don't mess with Wilbur, he's bad news. Dream wouldn't like you too. But Wilbur is pretty hot-" Quackity was interrupted by Sapnap punching his arm.

"What!? I'm speaking the truth!"

Quackity and Sapnap started bickering, as they were, George looked off to the distance to see Wilbur walk into the cafeteria and talk to his friends.

Whats so bad about him?



Wilbur's friends all yelled as Wilbur mentioned his day with George.

"What? It's only George-" and that's when it hit Wilbur.

"Wilbur, that's literally the enemy-" Tommy said.

"Yeah and you said it yourself don't go near them." Tubbo reminded.

"What did you guys even talk about?" Ranboo asked.

"Stop it!" Wilbur felt a bit overwhelmed and annoyed. He's friends calmed down a bit.

"We didn't even say anything. The best thing we said was checkmate for him beating me in chess." Wilbur said, sighing.

He's friends went all thinking mode. "I guess that's okay but why didn't you say anything?" Tommy asked again.

"I don't know, " Wilbur leaned back, "I was just playing with the chess pieces and I moved one up and I didn't even notice that he was around and he played a piece and we started playing. We didn't even realize the time and then Mrs Xenophilus yelled at us cause we stayed there for 2 hours." Wilbur chuckled.

Everyone was silent, they all looked at Wilbur very confusingly. But then tommy burst out in laughter. "You lost!?"

"Hey! He was better then me." He rolled his eyes.

"One heck of a date?" Eret chuckled.

"What!? It was not that at all!"

He's friends kept on teasing him, he didn't even realize he's face was heating up again. He rolled his eyes from another joke, but then his eyes wondered back to George.

He saw he was looking at him aswell but George quickly turned away seeing a bit mushroom grow from his shoulder. He's eyes softed in curiosity.

Was he- wait no-? Maybe he was just looking or his boyfriend. Probably that.. Wilbur denied it and shrugged it off.


Heyyy sorry, I was just doing some stuff that's why it took long to give you this chapter. lol

Time: 4:23am June 30th.

Secrets In Peach soda (Georgebur)Where stories live. Discover now