Part 1

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Wake up Lincoln!


"Come on Lincoln!" Lori yelled from outside of the house, they were all packed into the van and she was about to drop them off.

"Yeah, hurry up stincoln!" She got applause from her sisters for creativity. Lincoln tried to be nice to her, but truly, out of all his sisters, he dislikes Lynn the most. She wanted attention.

He walked outside, shoulders slouched and eyes tired. "I'll be walking, seya later."

Lori didn't care to ask why, she backed out of the driveway and drove past him. On the way, one of the girls threw some dirt on him.

"Ugh." He trained on his heels and went back inside to fetch a second shirt.

He stumbled up the stairs, his room was charming and adorable. He felt safe and secure, he didn't care for its shape and size as much as his siblings would.

His cream colored bed frame and dresser matched nicely with the brown wooden tile.

He didn't care for decor, he never bothered to fantasize about what could have been. Only what is.

Lincoln smiled and tossed his shirt in the pantry behind the door.

Digging through his dresser drawer he pulled out a grey button up dress shirt. It matched his white shoes and orangish-brown khakis.

"Hey Lincoln me and Lily are leaving." His mom called closing the door and walking out with the baby in tow.

Due to Vanzilla's low capacity, they invested their money into a second van.

Finishing buttoning his shirt he picked his bookbag up and left the house in a hurry.

He was supposed to be half way two minutes ago. Maybe they were right, he was that unlucky brother of theirs, what would happen if he closed his eyes and jumped into the busy road.

He'll die, alone and no one would cry at his funeral.


No, he's lying, he just wants an excuse to end his life.

Clyde did the unexcusable when he and Ronnie Ann started dating, fuck the bro code. His best and oldest friend.

Only the close can betray you.

He was fine with it, they were happy, it didn't matter if he wasn't.

It didn't matter that he was used by her to get close to his dark skinned buddy. As wicked as she was, he couldn't help but congratulate her for playing him so well.

That would be the melody of the gods.

His lungs are where the sound was produced, but his vocal cords were the strings she used to play her crude violin.

She manipulated his hands to use the bow to make an ear wrecking song.

"Hey Lincoln, Ronnie and I have been waiting for so long bud. What took you forever?" His hand was locked in hers as he dragged them both.

"Hey Clyde, Ronnie Ann, let's go." He walked beside the duo ignoring their couple's banter. He was really happy for their developing relationship, even if he wasn't practically happy with this development, for them, he'll smile past his feelings.

Where are they, happy together.

"So linc, why are you late?" She asked looking at him with her eyes peering at his own.

She was close, he could feel her breath on his neck, luckily she was shorter than he was. He looked over, Clyde was still looking ahead. Was he not worried?

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